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So as some of you may know, the house levels were completed last week and I've been hammering away recently on a level rework for two levels, Jellyfish Fields and Mrs. Puff's Boating School along with some general improvements to levels like Sandy's Treedome and The Krusty Krab. So far Jellyfish Fields is almost done, just reworking the ending cutscene for it. After that comes the improvements and reworks to both the beginning and ending cutscenes for Sandy's Treedome, some polish to The Krusty Krab then finally after that comes the worst one of them all, Mrs. Puff's Boating School. Hoo boi, this one is gonna be pretty annoying. Basicly I'm gonna be reworking the entire school part by adding in a new objective and updating Mrs. Puff's AI and ending cutscene. I'm really really hoping to get this build out this week, but if worse comes to worst I'll have to delay the release date to next week.

What's sad about this whole situation is the fact that I should've been working on the next level today but I've been caught up with this quarterly checkup. At least it'll be worth the wait since these four older levels feel outdated and could really use some polishing up. I hope y'all don't mind the wait. :)

In the meantime here's a small roadmap of all the quarters left for the game. So far quarters 1 and 2 have been completed, now I'm on quarter 3. It's just too bad that I'm still caught up in this polishing bullshit that I can't really start development of quarter 3, lmao.



I played KRUSTY KRAB level and i dont know if I Made MONSTER (i forgot his name) go away cuz MONSTER always (I dunno) broke the Window...

Dave Microwaves Games

You have to approach where he's banging to scare him off. There's a hint clam that explains this near the bathroom. Unless of course you're playing the older build of the game which doesn't explain this. Then yeah, you're gonna have a harder time understanding the mechanics of the level.