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Hey guys!

Finished Roo's Dreadlocks (non-HD), and implemented them! Now onto the HD hairs. These will take a bit longer as I decided to give the two a bit of clear distinction - the non-HD are chunkier dreads, while the HD are more braided ones consistent with Roo's texture/detail work. That means it'll take a bit longer, but I think ultimately it'll look nice to have both groups be really distinct (and hopefully look nice in general!)

Other than that, I'm also doing some edits on pre-existing hairs, basically creating a way for the little ear cutout that I have to disappear when a pawn has non-baseliner ears. It's a bit of a labor-intensive process, but I think will look nice in the end and help out cat and dog-eared folks have more hair varieties that fit them!

Life updates: Not much! Working on getting back into the commission work space as I keep applying to video game art jobs. Intimidated by the dark void that is social media these days, but what are you going to do, ya know? Just gotta keep at it!

Lofi Stream - youtube.com/video/9SAftOqtbTw 

Take care!




Bit of technical difficulty, so I'll be ending the stream early today. Sorry, everyone! See you next week!