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Almost done with the Alpha Genes-exclusive xenotypes (I'll do the sub-types like Ocularkin and all that as well). The timing actually kind of works out super well because I hope (fingers crossed) to have Alpha Genes released next weekend?? 

Anyway, to the Taukai - this one was really fun for me because I got to flex with my dietetics knowledge (my professors would be so proud lol). Having worked in healthcare, there's definitely a split between the brilliant, but not-personable healthcare workers and those with good bedside manner, so I liked the idea of Taukai filling the niche of "not great with people, but still great at their job". That way I got to keep the idea of them in the healthcare system of Rimworld, but also followed their genetic predisposition to not being great at the Social skill or Medical skill. 




Again, the creativity in these little dossiers is amazing! It’s always nice when you can tap into your own skills to write