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 Hey, remember when I was saying the pics were "oh so fun" last week? Well, they still are, but dammit the jungle backgrounds are getting difficult! Sooo many little details in there, it's wild!

Had a lot of fun drawing up the new goblin civilizations in this ep. Fun to think of how different "clans" would look. Gonna miss this fort, that's for sure.

I will tell ya though, it is so damn hard to keep dwarves happy in the current version of the game! Like, the dwarves in Kingtrap are very well taken care of yet still the angry dwarves were starting to creep in towards the end! The thought of starting another long fortress series just to have it fall to a tantrum spiral is kinda depressing. Think i'll keep tooling around with these short forts for a while longer :P



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Yeah! Start an Arkham asylum for angy dwarves!


How about this for an upcoming short fort then? Fort Utopia. An exercise in creating the absolute happiest dwarves. Everything is done with overall happiness in mind. A little bit of experimentation to answer the age old question: what is happiness?