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First of all, the early cut-down reaction to AoT Season 4 Episode 22 will be out as soon as possible. It's just been a busy, busy day - so I am running a bit behind. 

Secondly, as many of you probably know, we are moving very soon - during the next couple of weeks in fact. Because of that (and us still being busy with a bunch of other things) we’re going to have to scale it back a little bit with the uploads. So Attack on Titan will be 1 reaction per week for the next two weeks, same with The Boys (we know we are way behind with those, but we’ll do our best to catch up after we’ve moved in) - and then Obi-Wan is of course ending next week.  We still don’t know exactly when we’re gonna start Stranger Things 4, but we’ll make sure to update you all when we know more.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. 

All the best,

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Last time I moved I had a connection that provided me with three of the local high schools basketball team to move all my furniture for 50 bucks each and some sub sandwiches and sodie pops. It might seem silly but if you can find a cheap service it is WELL worth the money, especially considering Kat’s all preggers and whatnot


Just do what you two need to do! Best of wishes for the move and hopefully it's not too stressful. We'll all still be here!