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EDIT: Thank you so much for helping me out! I have made a decision, and will go with the "Naruto solution" for the subtitles. Plus, as someone mentioned, it might also make things easier for me when it comes to copyright claims. 

Hello everyone! I have been dealing with something the entire day today, and I could really use your help here. Sorry for the wall of text: 

Since we started the second season, the subtitles over on Crunchyroll got really small compared to the first season and the OVA's. It's not an issue when we are watching the episodes on our television, but I can barely read them when I am editing, and therefore it stands to reason that the people watching our videos probably can't see them very well either. Because of that I decided to switch from Crunchyroll to Wakanim (the only other website with AoT we can access here in Denmark) - but the subtitles are only slightly bigger there. So now I am trying something different, where I enlarge the episode so the subtitles are bigger, and then I crop the top, bottom, and the sides, so the whole thing is still the same size as usual - for the sake of continuity, but also so the episode won't end up blocking us and our reactions. I have attached pictures that show the differences between the original episode size, the enlarged/cropped version, and then there's also the thing I did with the Naruto reactions, where I only enlarged the bottom (subtitle) part of the episode.
I really want this to be the best viewing experience possible for you all, but there are no perfect options as far as I can see. So it's either the whole picture but with small and almost unreadable subtitles, a cropped picture but with bigger and more readable subtitles, OR the "Naruto solution" - What do you guys prefer? Or do you have any suggestions? It could of course also just be me who is overthinking the whole thing, and making it into a way bigger problem than what it actually is.. Let me know in the comments 😅

We can't watch it on Hulu, Netflix or Amazon Prime, and we can't buy the series online on iTunes store or anything like that either. I have thought about buying it on DVD or Blu-Ray, but the computer I am editing on doesn't have a disc drive, so for right now that wouldn't be a solution either. Plus, it would most likely take a while before we received them in the mail.

I was also planning on posting the early reaction to S02E01 today, but because of all of the stuff I mentioned above, it has been delayed till tomorrow.

Thank you so much for all of your support as usual!
We really wouldn't be able to do any of this without you 💜




Hey! So I'm all for the best legibility, so the Naruto Solution® seems the best option to me =) Also, as a longer-term thang, external USB Blu Ray players are not terribly expensive (just a quick look at Amazon shows $70 - $125-ish US) -- maybe that might work if no other option presents itself as worthy ;-)


Well, for me is not a problem because I watch the full reaction with my own copy of the episode, but for YouTube, I think the Naruto solution is the way.


Most reactions that I watch usually do the naruto solution of just enlarging the subtitle bottom area.

mapo picker

Naruto option looks great to me. But honestly any of them are fine.


Both options look great, it depends on whatever is easiest for you!


Well as your full reactions are timer based, think everybody in Patreon is watching with their own picture-in-picture mode their own version of it with you reaction...or that is what I am doing =). Point is doesn't change anything for me if subs are smaller...


Imho, legibility is more important so #3 “Naruto”. Also used to it with how lots of reactors handle the copyright strikes and either the blur, the watermark, both, and basically only having the subtitles anyway.


For me all options are fine 'cause I'm watching the full reactions with my own copy of the series. But YouTube subs would prefer "Naruto", I guess.


It might be time to start thinking in torrents my dude.


Chosee what's best for you guys,whatever makes the watching expirience easy and comfortable, since I've watched the series many times already, I have no problem with it ,as I'm here for your guys' opinions/reviews/theories on the show. („• ᴗ •„)


I don't need subtitles anymore. I memorized all the dialogue from countless repeat watching 😂


im ok with cropped picture


All of them are fine. Whichever is the easiest for you :)

Anna Kyruin

I think cropped picture is fine tbh, mostly I'm following along with where you're at based on audio and subtitles, as I've already seen the series. An alternative would be to use fansub SRTs and render the subtitles onto your video directly, outside the image area. I can see how that might get confusing as you may see different words than we do, but I think it wouldn't bother me at least.


The Naruto option with the larger subtitles would be appreciated from my perspective, I am mostly not watching along at the same time and just watching to see your reactions to what's going on, which is hard if I can't read what's happening aha, but as others have said, which ever is easiest for you!


I usually follow you with the subtitles only (I don’t have a second screen to watch with my BR). So crop or enlarge the subtitles, I’m good with both, but for YT, I guess enlarging the subtitles is the best solution


What about funamation? Also enlarged is good don’t mind 😊


question : that means you guys changed to wakamin ? you guys are going to keep watching from CR ? 😯

Sonny Mike Olsen

Funimation isn’t available in our country, unfortunately. But we use Wakanim instead - it’s basically the same 😊

Sonny Mike Olsen

We are changing to Wakanim. It’s almost the same as CR, except it’s cheaper. I am also quite certain it’s the Blu Ray versions instead of the regular ones we’ve been watching so far.