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Austin D

My absolute favorite episode of LoK. Can't believe you both are already here! Depression, PTSD, psychosis... I was blown away that this show dealt with all these topics in such a mature way when I first saw it. I especially love the way they showcased how TIRED mental illness can make you. We've never seen Korra look so blank before. Heartbreaking, but some great stuff to come :) What about the depiction of Korra's mental and physical health in this epsiode stood out to you? What kind of things do you think Korra needs to do moving forward in order to heal?


Do you agree with the idea that the avatar is becoming an outdated concept in this world? Since technology and government have advanced so much, and social issues are too complex to be solved through fighting alone, Korra’s insecurities about not being needed make a lot of sense.


I know the question isn’t for me but given what you’ve said about rising technology and cultures changing, it seems the Avatar’s central role as bridge between man and spirit is still necessary, if not more so. Although yeah, pertaining to purely human interests, things are more complicated.


What do you think about the parallels and differences between Korra Alone and Zuko Alone?


What do you think of the special someone at the end of the episode? And how do you think they'll impact Korra's recovery?