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I have a sneaking suspicion that Kuvira was supposed to play a bigger part in book 3 so that what she’s doing after the time skip is more of a shock. I think maybe because there wasn’t enough time, her role was reduced to a couple background appearances and menacingly mentioning her name once. It’s a shame if that’s true, because she’s a perfect foil for Korra and it would’ve been so cool if they had been friends/rivals previously.

Morgan Friday

What do you think of Korras new haircut? 😆


It’s early obviously but what do you think of Kuvira, given what you presently know of her methods of fixing the Earth Kingdom?


How do ya'll feel bout Legend of Korra droppin bodies? ATLA made such a statement by having Aang do errything except killing the Phoenix King. Whilst TLOK has killed almost erry main villain outside of Zaheer. Thoughts?


How do you like the new Air Nation outfits? I always thought they kind of look like flying lemurs... maybe a reference to Momo?