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The first thing to ask is: why do you think Lin is so negative about Su? What could a sister do that makes Lin hold a grudge against her after all these years? And you may not have noticed, but in Suyin's closet, there were some interesting things that refer us to ATLA. This is a picture of the pirate ship where Suyin probably met her chef; a picture of the circus where Ty Lee performed; a statuette of a Painted Lady; and a dragon-shaped pipe that Sokka used in the episode "Avatar Day".

Austin D

Now that we have the introduction of Zaofu, what is your favorite city/area in the Avatarverse so far? Zaofu is at the top for me. There are so many beautiful scenes and shots here this season. Love Opal and Korra's practice session background and animation.


I always disliked the way Korra handled Lin, here. Without knowing both sides of the story, I feel you should either stay neutral or you should lean in the direction of someone you have already known and trusted. She made this similar mistake in Book 2 (though she's improved a lot since then). How do you feel about the ending of the episode and Korra's words?


One of my favorite themes in this episode is the idea that people can change if given a chance (a theme heavily explored in ATLA). When confronted about harboring a criminal (Varrick) in her city, Suyin defends him by stating that her chef was once a pirate, and that “people change, Lin!”. Do you agree with Suyin’s choice to keep Varrick in her city? Do you believe that anyone can be changed for the better, or are there limitations?


I think it was justified after how Lin treated Opal like that. Cause at the end of the day it was just a talk, nothing drastic


That's true (and I know that) but still she accepted Lin's story hook line and sinker from the moment she heard it; her reaction to the situation was a bit sour before even the last discussion. Felt like she immediately chose a side, which she does from time to time. The rest of it is spoiler territory so can't get into that.