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Late as usual. Hope some of you can still get a question or a comment in before we watch this and the next one today. 



Hi Kat & Sonny 👋🏽, I have two questions: 1. In this episode we see that Zaheer, Ghazan and Ming-Hua break P’Li out of her jail-cell. What do you think this group is trying to achieve? 2. We now know that the Earth Queen wants to create an elite airbending army. What do you think she wants to use them for?

Austin D

What do you think of Korra and her story/character this season so far? I don't have any specific questions about this ep since it was mostly just INSANELY good action sequences, so I figured an update about our main character would be fun.


How do you feel about Tenzin’s growth this episode? He began his search for new airbenders by trying to force his culture onto them, but in the end he allows the airbenders to make their own decision about their life. What do you think led to this change in mindset?


How do you feel about Zaheer's group? I've always loved their dynamic, and we got a bit of that in the brief moments of this episode. What do you think about the way they act in those quiet moments, like in the car?


Do you relate any of the political situation to the spiritual shift from the end of book 2, the severing of the Avatar connections and the dawn of a more modern age? It seems that the world, and the characters in it(specifically Tenzin, I think), are having to become dynamic, by accepting change in their surroundings and in the people around them, and I wonder if there' s a symbolic connection to the ending of the last season.


Though their moments are brief , I’ve always loved how synchronized Eska and Dezna’s bending is.