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Drop your questions to the episode here!


Ken Dillon

The villains this season are so good and use their elements in very uncommon ways, but my favorite has to be Ming Hua, the water bender without any arms (fun fact, she’s voiced by the same woman who voiced Azula if you didn’t catch that). Do you guys have any thoughts on how she uniquely uses her bending to overcome her disability, like Toph before her.


What do you think about the idea that zaheer instinctively was an airbender in spirit/way of thinking? people suspect ty lee would have been an airbender if the portals weren't blocked


Hey guys, what unique abilities do you think the last member of Zaheer team might have? By the way, the dragon Zuko's name is Druk. And this is the same dragon that we saw in the egg of the temple of the sun warriors. Unfortunately, this is not mentioned in the series itself, but it can be found out from additional sources.


Did you enjoy the characters traveling together and do you feel as though traveling is an important/necessary aspect to the Avatar world?

Austin D

Ming-hua! Might want to edit that to not confuse them.

Austin D

With this new mission to recover the Air Nation, how do you predict a possible 'new' Air Nation will differ from the one the world has seen before?


What do you think it means to be an Air Nomad in the modern world? How might things change or stay the same? It’s been so long and the word has modernized every other element, so how does Air bending modernize?

Ken Dillon

Oh my god I’m an idiot! It was 3 in the morning when I typed this, I’m so embarrassed. I hope they haven’t seen the episode yet

Austin D

I don't think they record until like Tuesday sometimes so no worries haha


Just want to say I’m finally happy you guys are here! This is my favourite season! Enjoy!