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Put in your questions to the episode here, and we will adress them during the discussion/review.



How long until you believed boomy airbended and wasn't just dreaming?

Ken Dillon

The gift of Air Benders being back in the world is such a good thing, but clearly some bad people were also given the ability. Why do you think Zaheer wants to end the Avatar, and why was he in such a secure and remote prison if he didn’t have any bending before?


Did this season premiere feel more relaxing and character-driven compared to the two previous ones? The first two books started with an immediate problem to be fixed(radical equalists and angry spirits). This one does too, but the more important motivation seems to be Korra and Tenzin's decision to journey to guide the airbenders, which I thought was cool.

Austin D

If Amon represented an extreme form of Communism, and Unalaq represented a radical form of Theocracy, what do you predict Zaheer might represent? I know it's early, but I'm curious what your predictions are! Also, how do you think Roku or Aang would have handled the media and press? I always felt bad that Korra has this big new annoyance she has to deal with(where past Avatars didn't), and it doesn't help that her personality doesn't mesh well with this 'public approval' idea. She always has so much work to do in this new world.


In the long run, do you agree with Korra’s decision to mix the spirit world with the human world? And If you were a citizen in Republic City what do you think you’d be feeling? Would you side with the president or would you accept these changes to your life?