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EDIT: The poll has ended, and there was a pretty clear winner. So we will be starting The Legend of Korra very soon! 

Hello there, dear patrons!

First of all, as you may know, I ending up spending many, maaaany hours trying to get our The Mandalorian S02E02 reaction up on YouTube, and unfortunately I didn't succeed. But it put me in a position where I won't be able to get both of the last Avatar early reactions out, unless I pull an all nighter once again, which I probably shouldn't. So they will come out tomorrow as soon as I am done editing the last one. Hope you can understand.

Second of all, and way more fun, we are gonna need your help to decide what series to watch next! We have been thinking about staying in the Avatar universe, and continue on with The Legend of Korra. But we are also aware that we said we would do another poll after we finished Avatar, where there'd be multiple animated series to choose from.

Since you guys are the ones who are supporting us and making all of this possible, we thought it only fair to ask you what you would prefer - The Legend of Korra or a whole new poll with more series?





The legend of korra!!!!

Kirby Glover

Gotta throw my vote it for more series, especially since The Queen's Gambit is an incredible miniseries that y'all must watch


Please do Korra! It will make the experience more meaningful continuing the story right after ATLA :)


So is this a poll that would include Korra as an option, or is Korra a definite watch but this poll will be something extra or interim?


Definitely Korra. The expansion it makes on the universe is so awesome. And I think you guys would really enjoy it, even when it reaches its lesser moments.

Michel Ferreira

I love Korra but I think spending some time away from that universe and reacting to my favourite series ever FULL METAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD will be amazing.


Korra! Korra! Korra!


Korra or attack on titan!



Briaunna wyant

I hate Korra but I’d understand if you wanted to continue with it, attack on titan is fantastic however


If you guys are set on watching more animated series, it looks like LOK is probably the best bet. If you decide to watch something other than an animated series, I'd love to see you two react to Breaking Bad!


You can probably watch Korra some other time. Like take a break from that universe for a bit. You'd appreciate Korra more when you miss the avatar universe a little, at least that's how it was for me.


FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. You won't regret it!


Let's go Korraaaaaa


FullMetal Alchemist!!


I voted for Korra, but I also sort of agree with the people saying to take a break from the Avatar Universe for a bit. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood would be the absolute best alternative. Not that this is any reliable measure of quality, but it has been rated the number 1 anime for several years.

Chris Truex

I voted for a wider selection. I would really like to go through Korra with you guys (I've never gotten around to watching it myself), but a variety of stuff is always good. That said, I might still vote Korra in a future poll :)


I voted LOK but I think you should wait a bit, many people expected it to be like ATLA but it’s not. So a break could help with that


Thank you both for the wonderful reactions to ATLA, you guys are awesome. I know many people here are recommending Korra, but just be aware that it is a controversial series. In my opinion, it destroys much of the magic of the Avatar universe and retcons some important mythos. Most reactors I know, jump into LOK because of they high they felt watching ATLA......I'd recommending taking a pause for a bit. If you do end up watching LOK, it helps to pretend it's an alternate universe or timeline within the Avatar world.


I think it will be the best to wait a bit but seems like The Legend of Korra will win; Anyways I have to recommend Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, if not now, I hope you can watch it at some point.


I voted make a new poll but it seems like LoK is winning. Either way, I would highly recommend that you both take a break from Avatar universe before jumping into LoK because it's best to try to watch it by treating it as a totally new series (with diff. expectations, etc.) even though it is in the same universe. That way you can really enjoy it fully for what it is rather than constantly comparing it to Avatar. Anyway, I will enjoy whatever comes our way so thank you for your hard work with the Mandalorian and just keeping up with this channel/patreon. It's been awesome reliving Avatar with your reactions so thank you!


Continue with Korra!!

Ruma Risto

I recommend either Fullmetal alchemist: Brotherhood or the Dragon Prince. But if you indeed choose to watch Korra, keep in mind that it's a very different kind of show even though it takes place in the same universe. And before you watch it, you should definitely read the comics/graphic novels "The Promise" and "The Search".

Zachary Cadena

Korra is VERY VERY meh and no where near the quality of characters or writing as ATLA. Due in part of how it was made. It expands the lore in some good ways, but over all its more of a 6/10 as compared to the originals 10/10 writing.


The Legend of Korra is a flawed series for sure, for several reasons. But i am of an opinion that every avatar fan should definitely check it out, and decide for themselves. Personally, i love the show. Though, i am conflicted. While i can't wait for you to see it, it might not be the best idea to jump straight to it after the finale. Maybe some to watch some short, one season, series in between? =)


To watch LOK, one must remove ATLA detachment and not compare or you may be filled with disappointments (for me anyways). But I think I would love to see your reactions for season 2 where there are two episodes that really made ATLA just that extra completion.


Oof some of these comments I’m reading


Yeah, I agree. Definitely a flawed show thanks to Nickelodeon, among other reasons, but still a good show and has some really great moments, and moments I'd love you guys to see. Definitely think you should take a small break in between so it's easier to watch Korra as it's own show, and not ATLA 2.0.


It would be so cool too If you going to watch Kuroko no Basket ^^ 3 Seasons as well 25 Episodes x One Movie


I would like for you to watch LOK next and hope you don’t get too biased by the opinions of the fanbase. It seems that people really like LOK or they really hate it. It’s impossible to explain why you should watch LOK without spoiling anything, but I do think as dedicated ATLA fans you will enjoy it in the end. That said, I do also agree with a lot of other people about taking a break. Just take a few weeks off of avatar, let the greatness of the series sink in, process it, jump in to the comics then start LOK. I think that would be best for the reactions and for you, seeing how invested you both were with ATLA. Whatever you decide to do, I want to thank you for your awesome reactions and it was a pleasure to be on this journey with you. Really looking forward to all the other content you provide. You are awesome!

matthew h

I hope you guys will continue with TLOK. I happen to like it as much, if not more than, ATLA. Maybe its because I relate more to Korra than Aang.


I hope you let yourself breathe and take a break from the series. Watching Korra as a sequel of ATLA is bound to trigger some disappointment. It's better if it's watched as its own show but set in the same universe. Point being, keep your expectations in check and you'll enjoy it


I personally love LOK but it a shock for most people who expect an Aang 2.0, Korra is a very flawed character next to a near perfect Aang. I love both for different reasons. the great thing about Avatars is that are different from each other. On top of Nick not giving the creators the same confidence as ATLA by not wanting a girl avatar to only renewing season by season until the last two. The rush on season 2 which cause plot and animation issues and of course the budget cuts. so it has a lot of problems but the heart of it great to, ironically i feel apart of it as exploring the expectations we put on others and ourselves.

Libby DVR

I really hate that people pretend that the reason some people don't like LOK is because they expect it to be ATLA again. When I talk to people who dislike it, like I do, it's NEVER because Korra is imperfect. we don't like the way it's written. We have actual arguments, please stop acting like we're petulant children. I'm a writer, I analyze the writing of things I watch and read. I don't just pout in a corner.


Haunting of Hill House would be super fun as well!!

Saibal Sarkar

Yes please! I was just gonna comment about this. It's so good, would love to see you react to this show