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If you are unable to watch the video on Vimeo, or if you want to download it instead: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1gDlwM5Aj8IWiQ8I1tsJqJj2MmSv05D/view?usp=sharing

Holy... what a great episode! It got really emotional and cathartic, plus everything that was going on with Aang and the previous Avatars was so interesting to watch! This finale is pretty damn amazing so far! 2 more to go.. 

I am btw only just now nearing the end of editing the first of the early reactions, and it is very late in our part of the world. So I am going to post both of them asap tomorrow instead. I hope that's okay. 


Avatar S03E19 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E19 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I truly hate y’all for making them post two at a time 🙄


Iroh and Zuko's reunion makes me tear up EVERY single time. It's so emotinal. The way Zuko expected Iroh to be angry at him and for him to get ' burned' again like his father did. But instead Iroh shows forgiveness and unconditional love to Zuko. Iroh is the best!!!


Either way you would’ve had to wait for Saturday for all four. This is much better


Ending the Zuko/Iroh reunion with "it wasn't that hard, you have a really strong scent" is such a wild ride. No other show has made me legitimately laugh while also in tears the way that scene did. Such an emotionally impactful moment with the perfect amount of levity. (if it wasn't for the joke I probably would have had to pause for a moment to recover)

Austin D

fun fact that the compositions for the final episodes were performed by a live orchestra! The best of the score is yet to come!


Kat I'm very glad to see you noticed that all four past Avatar's never outright explicitly said that Aang has to kill Ozai. Yea you can certainly argue that Kyoshi definitely meant it that way because she has a very militant approach in regards to her duties. When it comes to advice giving in general you want the person that has to make the choice ultimately decide for themselves. They can seek council but it has to be what they ultimately believe is right. When it comes to Aang he still didn't think it was right to take a life and remained conflicted. I loved seeing the conversations between Aang and Avatar’s past, how everything that they’ve experienced in their respective times shaped who they are and how they view how to resolve things. It’s true that all their past wisdom and knowledge is there for Aang to use. But they are still just there to guide him, not make decisions for him. Whatever Aang decides it will be because he wants to actively shape his future, just like what the fortuneteller told him way back in season one.

Libby DVR

Kat: "I feel it would be a disapointment for me if Aang if he killed Ozai, it would so much go against everything this show is about. About being yourself." And finding your own destiny. YES!!!! Not surprised at all you get it, just surprised how fast you got it. Yes yes yes. Exactly. It's so disappointing how many people complain about the ending and somehow miss the point as well as have the odd idea that a children's show should end with a 12 year old executing someone. I just slap my forehead. I was already going to say thank you thank you thank you for reacting to this show. Watching two people with a good high e.q. is so great. You have no idea. Like sitting down to watch this and looking at Sonny and being like, "Now this grown man is not going to call Aang a 'p' word or a 'b' word in this final fight." Sigh, yes. I can just enjoy.


I agree. Iroh talking about his vision explained so much about him and why he went to Ba Sing Se in the first place to conquer it.


This is why I love their reactions because they empathize with the characters. So many people judge Aang so harshly for not wanting to kill Ozai and that is just ridiculous to me. Thank you Kat & Sonny for understanding this show and the characters!


I know I think it's really beautiful how it turned out: 600-day siege fails because he was actually meant to "conquer" Bah Sing Se many years later in another way.


Your reactions are so satisfying. When you mentionned that you would be dissapointed if Aang ended up killing the Firelord, I literally said thank you at my TV. You clearly grasped what the show was about. It's insane how acute you guys are. I loved the Lion Turtle' advice: "The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost." ==> putting it simply it's about keeping an open mind. Reminding Aang he doesn't HAVE to kill the firelord. It's the only solution he had figured but he should not believe it's the only way. I like how the advice of the previous avatar is branded as "illusions" "The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed." ==> I like how Aang gave Katara that tip in the Southern Raiders when he told her to release her anger and then letting it. "Since beginning-less time darkness thrives in the void but always yields to purifying light." ==> Killing would only lead to more killing. A different (more peaceful) approach is the only way to end this cycle of war.

Libby DVR

"Unle you smell and I love you for all time!"