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It's hard to believe, but here we are.. the four part finale! And we start off with a great episode, where we definitely ended up knowing what the title refers to. We are both extremely excited but also somewhat sad that we are so close to the end now.


Avatar S03E18 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S03E18 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



About aangs foot, Its an exit wound from where Azula's lightning left his body. Electricity leaves a wound wherever the body is grounded to as it exits, for Aang it was his foot.

Sonny Mike Olsen

They just never called any attention to it as far as I remember, but that's such a cool detail! They really did think of everything. Thank you for mentioning it 👍

Isis Peoples

this episode is the first time its directly explained; sozin used the comet's power to attack all 4 air temples at the same time. How did the fire nation wipe out an entire people? A comet? the air nomad genocide is hinted at in really round about ways and its left to the imagination how this happened for three seasons. then BAM! here's the horrifying explanation!

Isis Peoples

tearbending. melonlord. thats rough buddy. SECRET TUNNEL. CABBAGES! so so many more. its the tiny tiny things that make this show the masterpiece that it is


I really appreciate that you guys acknowledge and understand the turmoil that Aang is going through in regards to taking Ozai’s life. I have seen many people brush it off as it’s not a big deal. But being how Aang was raised, the beliefs of his people and how sacred the life of any living being is, it most definitely matters.


I love this show for really going there and talking about the fact that Aang might have to kill the Firelord. It's a very serious matter and I completely understand where Aang is coming from. Sokka is probably the funniest character and very underrated imo.

Libby DVR

I am Mellon Lord :) On Youtube that's my name. It's a combo reference too with mellon the elvish word for friend that opened the gates of Moria. I love when people on other channels I watch, which are almost exclusively political podcasts, get it. They'll say is that you Toph? And I'll say "I AM NOT TOPH!" usually on my politics channel they get the other reference more than Avatar and only ONCE did someone get both which made me very excited. I've seen a Melon Lord and a Melon Lorde too, so I'm not clever :)


Kat's not ready to start the beginning of the end was very cute and funny to see :D


The full moral struggle for Aang here didn't hit me until years later (pretty recent admittedly), but with how the monks talked about preparing him in flashbacks in The Storm and how the last air Avatar (not a spoiler since you watched the rest already) talks about what he must do, it seems like if the Air Nomads were still alive, Aang would be trained and conditioned/comfortable doing whatever is necessary, even kill. I think the thing that separates him from past air Avatars who probably would have learned to not be pacifists to defend the world, is that the Air Nomads are dead, and their teachings to him are literally all he has left after his memories. He can't bring himself to go against their teachings, because those teachings are how he feels he can carry on their memory. Nowadays, I kind of wish he played that up in that scene where he yells a little bit, like "the monks taught me that all life is sacred, and their teachings are all that I have left from them!" Something like that would make it clearer I think.


Also, I think the finale really hammers home the symbolism of Zuko and Azula. The whole nurture conversation. Azula is molded and bred by her father and others to be a perfect weapon. She is rewarded for being manipulative, conniving, and ruthless. She is sharpened for her entire childhood, and then when Zuko was banished (keep in mind, that was for three whole years), Azula was solely under the command of her father doing who knows what (torture? assassinations? etc). Zuko on the other hand had his mother and then Iroh as his guiding figures. So Azula developed power of strength, and Zuko developed strength of character. The tragedy of Azula and Zuko is that Zuko could eventually be a fair match for Azula and match her strength/power, but Azula had like no chance at all of developing the character that Zuko had. She had no positive social skills, no hobbies outside combat or manipulation, no hope of love, etc. Again, not a spoiler if you watched all four already, but yeah, her breakdown later on kind of shows how close to the edge of sanity she's been this whole time. Also worth noting, that she's only 14 years old during this, so she was a true child soldier.


Sokka in Episode 1.03 when Momo first showed up "I want to eat you." Sokka now being worried that Appa ate Momo. That's character development XD


Sonny: "I think we're ready for the finale" the headshake screaming "NOPE!" from Kat at that moment was just perfect. Loved your reactions again.


especially since his culture is gone it would make sense for him to want to hang on in particular to those values as well

Ashley Faith

One thing that's not talked about enough is the maturation of the voice actors. They all change a bit but it's most notable in the kid who played Aang. Both the sound and emotion he conveys by this point in the series is really awesome.