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Holy f*ck, this episode...

Sorry about the delay folks! 

Enjoy 💜 


Dark S03E05 Reaction FULL


Josip Buretic

Oh yes!! I am really looking forward to see your reaction for this episode!! ❤️much love❤️

Josip Buretic

Another interesting thing in the scene where Katharina fights with her mother and where she then says "Mom stop it" her mother is so shocked because she thought that Katharina was the child she aborted when she was a child (the scene with Hannah) and she also said to her "I am not your mother you come from hell, the devil sent you, I got rid of you(she said it in German:Ich habe dich weggemacht(another way to say I aborted you) but this get a little bit lost in translation.

Josip Buretic

And yes Katharina is also that death woman from lake that Bartosz and Magnus have talked about in season 2 where they all are was on the lake and they wanted to scare Martha. ☹️☹️ Great reaction like always!! And Kat this is for you ❤️❤️


I love the visual of Jonas on the floor, dying, and how the "Family Trees" forms angel wings. I am on my 3rd rewatch of season 3 (and umpteenth of the entire series), and one thing that gets more and more apparent is just how good the cinematography is. Compared to other shows, its practically lightyears ahead.


Whew! Watched this episode a few days ago, and watching it again here it is still brutal. "Death and death" is right! Great reaction!


Great reaction! Martha is right, Jonas wasn't thinking that "We are wrong" the night before. (shakes head). The girl who plays young Elisabeth is Carlotta von Falkenhayn who was only 12 deserves a bunch of awards for her performance. A real heart wrenching scene and episode. Katharina wound up to be the woman in the lake the kids were talking about during that fun summer in the sun so long ago and of course where they found the St Christopher's medallion by the lake. Was it Martha who found it which would make it her grandmother's, but originally Egon's gift to Hannah. That medallion sure did a lot of traveling around time itself. I guess they mentioned that St Chris is the patron saint of travelers. A very dark but amazing episode.

Josip Buretic

If you are interested on YouTube is a great video about St. Christophorus medallion and his "travel" of course Kat&Sonny should wait till the end of the season and then watch this video but I know you have finished so you can watch it.