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Okay, that was not the kind of celebrations we were expecting when going into this episode! As Sokka said at the end, this was probably the worst village they've visited so far 😂


Avatar S02E05 Reaction FULL



I love seeing scenes with the past Avatars in full force. I also like how it connects to the Kyoshi warriors and how they make a lot more sense now. Other than that I don't like this episode very much, you know Aang will not randomly be sentenced to death or whatever, so for me I'm just waiting for it to be over so we can move on. Cause now that you have seen it, I can say I was just waiting for episode 6 for the past couple videos lol


I love uncle Iroh :'(


damn it Zuko, you've let Kat down. tsk tsk


i think this episode was more for zuko and iroh than aang, katara and sokka. that whole avatar day was definitely just a filler. didnt really contribute much to the story. but yeah there are more great things up ahead. we promise 😊

Kelsey Roberts

Yikes. Please remember Zuko is 16 and has some severe abuse issues. His father burned him badly enough to scar. That has got to be like third degree burns. (While this is never stated explicitly, that is enough to cause some vision loss in that eye. Not to say that he's entirely blind in it, but it's safe to assume he's lost some ability.) To be unsympathetic to a child in trauma is like...really problematic? He was also raised as a Prince, and then was banished from his entire family, his entire life, and everything he has ever known. I don't understand why you're so aggressive to him. He's a child? Get off your high horse? What were you like at 16? Edit: I understand he's being a dingus, but you're literally calling a child vulgar names to attack his character...

Kelsey Roberts

Apparently she is though? Cuz she's getting worked up enough to shit on a character that was traumatized at the age of 13? Edit: "Hey you're not allowed to be hurt" sounds also a lot like gaslighting. Someone is being hurt. Me. I said why.

Jonathan Agni

Yikes them? Yikes you... Jesus. Contain yourself. I love Zuko, but I wholeheartedly accept their take on this. Also, they're watching the show just has you have, no need for that extended synopsis.

Kelsey Roberts

They seem to have forgotten that he was raised as a Prince of an imperialist nation, burned so badly as to probably be disabled, and then banished from all he knows, stripped of all his comforts, and dropped into the woods to starve. I will repeat it as many times as necessary for them to realize that calling Zuko a "spoiled prick" is not correct. Because they aren't taking his life into context at all. Edit: As a childhood abuse survivor, it fucking hurts to have people call the characters you identify with "spoiled pricks" because the character is emotionally and mentally (and physically actually!) lost in the woods. I've been there. I got over it. They don't have to be assholes and disregard his history.


I have to agree. Yes, Zuko is behaving selfishly. He’s said and done some pretty bad things. But at the end of the day, he is an abused child who was cruelly punished by his own father for showing compassion for others. We don’t have to always give him a pass because of his trauma, but we can acknowledge that he’s in the wrong without being insulting or unsympathetic to his situation. EDIT: I say this as someone who has also experienced severe abuse in my childhood. Even after I escaped my abuser and was surrounded by people who loved me, I still lashed out at others. I understand that this is just a television show, but Zuko was such a relatable character as an abuse survivor that it’s saddening when others belittle him for making wrong decisions.


how about we let them discover and uncover more about his character in the timing that the show intended instead of attacking them? you've already seen the show, of course you have a different perspective already. i was disappointed with zuko at this point of the show too the first time i watched it.

Kelsey Roberts

There is a difference between being disappointed and verbally abusing a childhood abuse survivor.

Kelsey Roberts

She was literally joking about how small his brain is. Way to literally stoop to the level of the Fire Lord. Congratulations, your thoughts on Zuko most align with his physically abusive father.


you're mad about a cartoon character being "attacked" and yet here you are attacking an actual person lol

Kelsey Roberts

I am not attacking her. I repeated exactly what she said in the reaction, and detailed why I found it problematic. If I wanted to attack her, I would call her names or insult her intelligence like she did. But I won't do that because I know she's a good person and I know she's actually very intelligent.


There is no verbal abuse on a fictional character... it's called reacting. She was upset at what Zuko did so she reacted that way. Maybe you feel it was a justified reaction, maybe not, that's pretty much the point of watching reactions as far as I'm concerned. Zuko is not currently crying and traumatised that Kat insulted his character. You are looking way too deep into this

Kelsey Roberts

And I explained why I am going way deep into this. As a childhood abuse survivor, it's shitty and traumatic to hear people talk about characters that you identify with this way. I expressed my disappointment. Tah-dah.

Kelsey Roberts

Felt like she was saying it to me. I was a spoiled brat at 16 too. If people had said that shit to me, I wouldn't be where I am right now. She's not being an Iroh.

Kelsey Roberts

I guess I'll just end with: I could expect this exact reaction from a lot of people. But I didn't expect it from her.


Avatar day is one of the worst episodes in book 2 in my opinion

Sonny Mike Olsen

Kat reacts very emotionally, especially when it’s about stuff she cares about. She loves this show and the character of Zuko, and his actions in this episode disappointed her deeply. Did she treat him a little harshly? Sure, but at the end of the day that certainly doesn’t mean she isn’t sympathetic to what he has gone through. I am very sure that your accusations are going to have a serious impact on her, because that is the type of person she is. Like, this evening for example has been completely destroyed now. So while I understand your protectiveness when it comes to a character you identify deeply with, I ask you to not throw accusations like that around. Feel free to just ask us whether or not we understand a character or something like that next time, instead of this. Then we’ll gladly explain what we meant or why we reacted in certain ways.

Kelsey Roberts

I'm sorry to have caused her hurt to the point of ruining your evening. I sincerely wasn't intending to ruin your time together. But I won't apologize for speaking my mind. What she said was hurtful, and she should take a look at it. She said it, and she meant it at that time and that's something everyone has to reckon with in their life. Saying shit that's hurtful when you're feeling bold or unsympathetic. Like me reckoning with hurting her right now.

Kelsey Roberts

Also, I am not sure what accusations you're referring to...I watched the reactions, and repeated what she said verbatim. It's not an accusation if there's evidence.

Sonny Mike Olsen

She regrets saying he had a small brain, that was an overreaction on her part. But he was kind of being prick in this episode, both towards Iroh and especially towards the innocent people he robbed. Even though he has been through childhood trauma, and we 100 percent get that, it doesn’t give him the right to do that. And us getting angry with him is not the same as verbally abusing and being unsympathetic towards him. And yes, you did accuse her of being unsympathetic and for not understanding that he is still a 16 year old who has gone through a lot of trauma. From Kats little rant I can understand why you may question whether or not we understand him completely, but instead of just asking us about it, you went straight to accusing and pointing fingers. But let’s just end it here, you both said stuff you’re sorry about, and we all agree to do better in the future. No reason to get into this any further. Alright?

Kelsey Roberts

I'll say this one more time. I think Kat is an amazingly intelligent and empathetic person. I knew I vibed with her when I watched your Chernobyl reactions, and we both cried through the whole thing. That is why I was so disappointed by what she said. I really enjoy her thoughts and opinions. So when she said the things I've heard many a time before from my abusers, it flabbergasted me. I still think she is insanely smart and good. But I don't like what she said this go-around. So I am speaking my mind. Edit: after reading your most recent comment, I agree that I shouldn't have been aggressive to start...but again, I didn't expect this from her and I was confused as to how this reaction could have appeared at all from either of you. I will also say that I appreciate your replies, and I will agree that the conversation doesn't really need to continue past this. I do feel badly for the things I did that upset you, Kat (and you as well, Sonny, but I wanted to address her directly to be polite). But I had to speak my mind.

trinity hauyne

i love kyoshi ugh she has such a cool backstory

trinity hauyne

the whole point of writing good characters is so you attach to them, you care about what’s happening. you feel happy when they’re doing good and you feel hurt and angry when they make bad choices or bad things happen to them. there’s no problem with having strong feelings about what zuko did, that’s the point!


i hope you guys continue reacting to avatar.


I have terrible news, this was actually their last ATLA reaction ever


Loving your reactions. Keep em coming.


A couple of things. Chin the Great wasn't quite as diminutive as he seemed to be there at the end. Avatar Kyoshi was simply a very tall woman. But in their final confrontation he is made out to be a bit like Napoleon. In western media, particularly in animation (I'm thinking back to the old Warner Brothers Bugs Bunny cartoons here) Napoleon is frequently reduced to caricature. I think this episode was a nod to that. Secondly ... man I'd love to say more relative to your back and forth there at the end but .. You know what, cancel second. There's always so much that's so good left to come with this series it's hard to talk about without spoiling as it goes along.


"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." I always love this quote.


Kat I'll just say that I agree with you about Zuko. I'm glad that you were honest with your reaction because I felt the same way about him being spoiled. He has suffered, but that doesn't mean that he should cause others to suffer as well. I actually really enjoy this episode and I love seeing Kiyoshi. I never thought that they were being over the top with the Chin the conqueror scene. I thought it was very well done, but everyone views things differently.