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Yet another nail bitingly intense episode, where we get familiar with some of the new replacements, the Dutch resistance, and the fact that sometimes a retreat is necessary..

We hope you enjoy the reaction, folks! 


Band of Brothers E04 Reaction FULL


Josip Buretic

Looking forward to watch this reaction!! Much love ❤️❤️


The Lt. beggin for getting tapped when green light goes on was lying at the recruitment office about being colour blind to get recruited. Thats why he asked for being notifed by his NCO.


Most of the bigger Towns on Easy Companys route where abandoned without fighting by german forces although they left behind rear guard detachments who had the mission to delay the movement of allied forces. So they layed bobytraps, sniper ambushes and blow up streets, bridges and railways whenever they could. There where even incedents of german snipers shooting in the festive crowd to cause havok.

Frankie H

This episode has gotten criticism for being too harsh on the British tankers that served alongside Easy Company. I think the unit was called the 15/19th King's Royal Hussars. From what I've seen the British tanks destroyed just as many German tanks as they lost in the town of Nuenan. They had to retreat, but they didn't perform as badly as depicted in this episode.


The small carton given to the woman was a so called C(ombat)-ration. Pretty much what a MRE Meal Ready to Eat is now a days.


Market Garden was a complete disaster and Monty doesnt get enough blame for all the carnage. He had good solid intel that he was sending men into a trap and he ignored it, because he wanted this operation too much.


I think they wanted to illustrate how heavily outclassed the Sherman’s were by the Tiger tanks. A German tank commander said after the war “a tiger was worth four Sherman’s, but the Americans always had a fifth”. I knew a very quiet sweet old man who went to my church growing up. His job in the war was to scoop out all the body parts in knocked out Sherman’s that were too big to be hosed out.


While I’m sure there were many women in occupied countries that feel in love with German soldiers, many were simply opportunistic. They’d get extra rations, meaning others didn’t get them, and were all too willing to give up information on resistance movements, which got a lot of people killed.

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

Towards the end of World War II, food supplies became increasingly scarce in the Netherlands. After the landing of the Allied Forces on D-Day, conditions became increasingly bad in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands. The Allies were able to liberate the southern part of the country, but the allies ceased their advance into the Netherlands when Operation Market Garden, the attempt to seize a bridge across the Rhine at Arnhem, failed. The result is what is known as the 'Oorlogswinter' or 'War-Winter', a famine in the Nazi occupation zone that lasted until at least May 1945, and cost the lives of est. 18000 people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_famine_of_1944%E2%80%9345 Besides the women depicted in this episode, an estimated 3% of the overall Dutch population was at one time or another a member of the National Socialist Movement (NSB) (the Dutch version of the Nazi party), including, regretfully, my grandparents. Whether this was for practical or ideological reasons I will probably never know, but one could imagine it helped in business under nazi-occupation (they where both lawyers). After the war they emigrated (self-exiled) to Indonesia, which was still a Dutch colony at the time and stayed there for well over a decade.


I love this show so much. You guys better buckle up because it just keeps getting better


There is an excellent movie called 'A Bridge to Far' that tells the story of Operation Market Garden. I highly recommend it.


I hate (love) how this show shows levity like the welcome into the town, then immediatley shows the dark side of it. They never give us a break.


How do you watch it? It's only buffering for me.


Figured someone would have mentioned this.