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We finally learn more about the Water Tribe and where the men went, but Katara and Sokka meeting up with their past is really presenting some complications for Aang..
This was yet another amazing episode!

Enjoy the reaction, guys! 


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Robert Kelly

Another great theme is that Ang is just a child. The show does great in reminding you that Ang has to grow before he can face the Firelord. Not just in his bending but as a person. Unlocking his true power will be in how he meets that challenge.


June's shirshu was named Nyla. Shirshu's (as a species) were supposed to be a combination of an anteater (the long tongue), a German Shepherd (the physical "wolf" features), and a star-nosed mole (the insane sense of smell). And I'm with both of you on Uncle Iroh. He's very much this series' Yoda; wisdom almost beyond comprehension tempered with a distinctive sense of humor. You might love him now but, as with so many things in this series, just you wait.


"At my age there's only one big surprise left, and I'd just as soon leave it a mystery" bless you Iroh :'( Otherwise I love the fights in the second half of the episode, if you watch attentively they put so much effort into the choreography, the footwork and so on, it's really impressive


Not to stray away from talking about the show, but I really appreciated hearing Kat’s comments about death-anxiety. Sometimes I feel like I’m crazy for being obsessive over it, but being the lone atheist in my family and being generally anti-social has made it hard to look away from the abyss. I hope I can be more at peace with it like Iroh one day.


Again, i love to hear what this show does to people. Like Kat had with uncle Iroh about death. Even if its an old show, its so amazing and good written. That as kid you like the show and as adult you understand it (especially in the later books). Things that happen in this show are things that happen in real life, and alot of people can connect with those things. Like having a rough childhood, losing everything like Jet that you hate people who brought that sadness to your life and going to far/overstepping the line and unknowingly become the kind of person you hate. Having alot of pressure on your shoulders because you are in a certain position. Losing loved ones. And like Kat how Iroh's words of wisdom can touch her heart and in a way, help you think of seeing it in another light. And more which you will find out. My favorite show of all time❤️


For me it was very helpful to consider the beauty of "nothingness" When imagining death our mind often times uses darkness or emptiness to put it into thought or visualize it. But that is not what it is at all. The best way to imagine, or describe what comes after life, (for me at least) is to look at what you were before your life. Before you were born, (using a big number helps to disassociate ) for example thousands of years. Or even better billions of years. You didn't notice any darkness or emptiness back than did you? No lost dreams, nor unfullfilled desires. No pain, no cold or heat. Just nothing. Your existence in this world, the energy you are made of always was something, and always will be something. The experience of life is like a flame. The flame will go out some day. But what ever the flame was made of is not gone, it changed. From your egos perspective, i imagine death like taking a last breath. You will inhale, and in a bright light, your body will turn into air. Even though the flesh remains, the mind fades like smoke. And then the beauty of nothingness, which you once came from, will take all the burdens of life. Life is a miracle, with wonders beyond imagination. But like every process in the universe, every life will come to an end some day. But the end is just like the beginning. Nothing. And Nothing is not so bad. That is at least how i perceive it.