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This one was so tense all the way through.. There's no other way to describe it!
We also might've been very wrong about a certain character, maybe?
Only 2 more to go!

Enjoy, y'all!


The Expanse S03E11 Reaction FULL



Having something in your eye is the worst.

T. Arnold Ferguson

A unique thing about this episode: it takes place entirely in zero-g. A lot of wire-work for the actors, and CGI effects. The next two episodes (12 & 13) were aired together and usually watched as one, and they're both an amazing ride. Strap in. :) While I've only just started reading the books, I haven't made it as far as this episode yet, but I've heard that Ashford is a more one-dimensional character in the books. His character in the show is generally regarded as a positive change. And no spoilers, but I think you're going to really like S4...and they just finished filming S5 a week ago and post-production has started. No release date yet, but we're hoping (guessing) for some time around Dec. 2020.


Bobbie was also very militant when we first met her.


Don't know if you changed the audio levels but thusfar much better to hear the show and you at the same time, thanks!

Bryce Carlson

"Fallen World" also describes the aftermath of the massive deceleration. The Martian Marines are not "simple," or "slow," they are "disciplined" and as a result. they follow orders. Bobbie's experiences have taught her that not all of the people giving orders are trustworthy. Ashford and Drummer (and Naomi to a degree) have provided a snapshot of what it means to be a Belter, including the unspoken assumption that EVERYTHING they encounter is potentially lethal (as opposed to the Earther assumption that nothing is overtly malicious). A lot of things going on with the Nucleus; you may remember Miller talking about the security protocols and how he got them "relaxed" but not disabled. Miller also refers to it a "the scene of the crime" from whence he (the Investigator) must collect clues.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

One thing they haven't gotten across in the show that was quite amusing in the book, was the fact that the reason Anna followed, and was so courageous and gung ho, was that she was high as a kite on pain . meds. In the book she was halfway to the Roci, and she started coming around and was wondering what the hell she was doing lol. The Drum on the Bohemeth, imagine it like that carnival ride, that spins around, and presses you to the walls of ride. (like in stranger things). The Mormons hadn't planned on accelorating the whole way on their journey, they were planning on getting up to a good speed, and then generating gravity by spin, rather than by thrust. Love the exchange between Ashford and Drummer. The song he's singing is a belter version of an old English folk tune, Sam Hall, about a thief facing the gallows. It was also the tune used for an pirate tune, about a pirate about to be executed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjwra0OMy3M (one of my favourite folk tunes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWT_PwJOte8

Christopher Alexander

Great reaction, as usual. "Fallen World" is just reference to the holocaust-level trauma they all just experienced: 1/3 of the crews are dead, another 1/3 injured and on the way to being dead until Ashford made the decision to spin the drum and share it with the others. Clarissa a one dimensional character? On this show? Surely you jest! Klaes Ashford was a forgettable one-note character in the books. The actor David Strathairn and the writers have turned him into one of my favorite characters in all fiction. You'll see why soon enough.

T. Arnold Ferguson

You and several other reactors have mentioned similarities between The Expanse and Mass Effect. In interviews (and on Twitter), authors Ty Frank and Daniel Abraham (co-writing as James S.A. Corey) have been asked if the were inspired by Mass Effect, and have replied that, since they created the universe of The Expanse a couple of decades before Mass Effect, definitely not. However, they note since they were influenced by the same early sci-fi writers (Asimov, Clarke, Herbert, etc.) as were the creators of Mass Effect, they're not surprised to see similarities.


Enjoyed your reaction and review. The Drummer and Ashford scenes were wonderfully written and acted. We really got to know the characters. Ashford mentioned that he used to sing his song to his daughter. He told Diogo earlier that he watched his own child burn. He's physically carrying around those scars. I had a hard time buying that Anna with anger alone and without any experience in zero g, got up the nerve to put on a Vac suit and go after Clarissa. As Paedar mentioned, in the book she was amped up on a cocktail of painkillers and amphetamines. She's definitely impulsive and the drugs amplified that x 10, which makes more sense to me. Maybe anger has the same effect in her case? If I ever see a sci fi show or film that has someone using a vacuum to clean up floating blood I'll say The Expanse did it first. I'm sure the show will have a great influence on other sci fi going forward. They've raised the bar.


I love Drummer's sense of humor. What was your closest call? Not that she was shot and almost died at the hands of Dawe's goons but a long sad night at a bar, 😀