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No stream again tonight.

I have more dental stuff Monday, so to not exhaust myself before a place where you have mouth open for 2 hours, in sick season…I need to be in good health! That's most of the reason.

So Tuesday instead? I gotta soon!

might still do a test or 2 late night to confirm this pc works. moving PC permanantly soon

below is small explanation of current issue.

Other thing, dealing HARD with my partner being dissed after helping someone else (online fellow disabled person who is actually quite abelist). My partner best she could and being basically lied about 😢 It's made me sick to my stomach. That's been awhile. Basically we were giving someone free photos to sell stuff and the other person insisted on a contract and blames my partner for being way past late when it wasn't even up and the other person said "nevermind I don't need pics anyway" before that. We no longer support that person, they need constant ego petting and use every Dictim tactic for business publically online.

Opposite of me, I mean, hence the free work we were doing. Help each other out ya know? I took the damn pics myself, it takes effort but it was for a good cause-I thought. Oddly, I was set up to take my OWN pics and was hit with the ear/migraine/episode, but you guys don't expect that of me. That's good ......EVERYTHING. Good biz, good relationships, good friends,supporters, etc etc. So processing another person pretending to be my partner's friend but crying on her shoulder about life then doing this is hard to process.

I wanted to explain that, so you guys know how I operate and that my supporters are the best. We don't operate like that, don't care if a snafoo hits, details overlooked, quality not the best and exact money supplied to accurately capture what we are "worth".

I don't treat supporters as a business even though I could., that's discusting to me. You are people, not walking freaking wallets. You know what you like and are generous to give what you can. Online friends are a thing and very real some of you are friends for YEARS. I see you guys online a lot so this recent episode with my partner made me lose appetite, she's sad to lose a "friend" and it's like...we were taken advantage of then dissed like hollywood or something. And my supporters are MY shoulder , you don't know it and don't have to say a word, but what you do for me is important and it lights up my day that I see you guys online around me.

I came back here because yeah, this is my way of feeling better. My partner doesn't really have that atm and it takes energy for her think of what to say.

It's one of those days/times where I'm on the fence about streaming because I put effort and time into it and getting ready, but surprises kill it.

Live streaming is an EXTRA, but it's the ultimate production of what you support!



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