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someone is giving my disabled partner a hard time for a supposed contract for a job that was done, but late because of health issues which were understood before the job.

This brings me to you guys: I would never expect anything extra from my supporters. EVER! You treat me well already knowing my complicated situation and ask for no more AND don't complain or make up stories or some indirect post blaming me for lack of "content" in some agreement.

Full circle tho , I wanted to stream tonight but I just can't. Communication is key if you have tge ability to talk about it. You guys have been there for me on that too 🧡

I'm STILL gonna try stream tmrw tho 😅 I just gotta support my partner now who seems to end up with a lot of people taking advantage of her like this and running off with a stroked ego at her expense. 🙏

While I'm here.... for a public post to announce a later foxy stream like NEXT week: A or B? A is first, B second, sorry forgot to label.


Setsune Wave

Sorry your partner's having to deal with the complaint. If the item was time-sensitive that might be one thing, but people get unnecessarily picky about due dates without need sometimes. As for the post, A or B has a clear difference and depends on how you want to promote it. You may get more people there for the sass and costumes with A, and that can be good, but if you don't want to deal with that B is a better choice. It would best be left up to your mood.


thanka hun, mood A is acceptable! the outfit isn't as saucey so any added sass would give it back. I liked the outfit but, just feels like it taps a different genre so I wanted to try it again. Also, my partner yeah, was trying to help be useful and someone in disabled community used the same phrases and structure that was used on THEM about disabled so it's not settling well. Thanks hun 💜


Sorry to hear about your partner's situation, that's really petty and hurtful of their client. Thank you for continuing to update us on your situation. I feel you're one of the most transparent people, keeping us informed! I personally like A more!


hearing that makes my day too because I was almost conditioned thru anxiety and fear of not reporting in every 5 minutes or being available every minute in a mall sized building with experiments and meetings and activity 100 meters apart every day 10 fold. It was a prison and now I'm stuck using old habits out of anxiety but I know it benefits people, keeping up is hard mostly because physically doing other things ties me up....there's another rope meme. On that note: good vote. I liked both for reasons, I'll post the ACTUAL video soon too 🧡