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(Most-relevant to least-relevant, as always)

1. Added the new SSD to my computer and went with a "slow-medium-fast" setup between the two internal drives and the external, instead of just moving everything to the fast drive, as I've noticed my hybrid hard drive I was chugging along with is a perfectly fine drive, it just CHOKES when it's more than like 75% full for some reason, despite the massive cache and the defragging. Still, I like this setup so far, but I'll have to move over some more files to the new, much-faster drive.

EDIT: 1a. Found out I'm still using a single-channel RAM setup like a dum-dum, I'll probably wait until Black Friday hits, buy two more sticks of RAM, and maybe a UPS to combat all the power outages and brownouts our area gets.

2. One of the grievances eating my IRL time is done with, so I *should* be resuming *some* 3D content soon, I mainly want to get the Bixxti plot cleared up, though that'll likely be done in a short text-based story without a render, ironically.

3. A major purchase I just made IRL for something unrelated to the stuff I make has been having some weird shipping weirdness going on, but it's not "supposed" to be here for a week-ish, but the whole thing's been kind of a headache because of how weird the situation is. (EDIT: got it the day afterward. Was awesome, love it.)

4. One of the other grievances eating my IRL time is still eating up my time, but it's getting to be more predictable, I guess. Probably not going to make any impact, though.

(Slight edit WAY at the bottom of this post because it doesn't affect me TOO directly: Had a family emergency where someone did something incredibly dumb, and a very bad thing happened because of it. On my end, I've been roped into helping out a bit, and I'm sure I'll get dragged into it again. Zero idea how long they'll have to deal with it, though.)


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