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(Update: locked poll and unlocked the post for everyone to see)

Eh, might as well use this exclusive poll thing every now and then, I guess, heh. I'll set it to multiple choice so people can pick whatever they like.

Anyway, right now, everyone's either a Pok*mon or a real animal (minus Banna, who's a Neopet, but I don't use her that much).
I need to add someone else from something else, and I have a few ideas, though one of the ideas in the poll is a bit of an odd choice.


EDIT: also on my list of things to make soonish is a centaur of some kind, probably a deertaur. She's the hybrid you saved during the "Sexplosion Clit-smasher XXXL 3000 machine" plot. Her libido is fried to a crisp and she's left with some permanent injuries, but she still enjoys inflation as a fun hobby.
Note: she's not any of the four options in the poll.


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