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Same as always, fun stuff at the top, boring IRL stuff at the bottom.

Most of my current models are updated on my end, but I keep neglecting to actually get them uploaded to the folder, mainly because I'm too lazy to get the models cleaned up for the upload, stuff like embedding the textures, trimming off the excess files, etc.
I have an updated version of Onney's model, but IDK if I want to bother uploading her since her model isn't really lewdable anymore (though I might eventually write up some plot stuff to get her back to a semi-lewdable state, I dunno.)
I need to start dialing back Saedi's tan soon, her eyes almost match the color and it makes it hard to see her face sometimes.
Another thing, I have a plot lined up to showcase Laela's new elasticity, but I'm putting that off for a bit since I've overused her recently.
Eila needs more attention, but funny enough there's a plot I've got planned involving her and Laela, maybe I'll just do that one, kill two birds with one stone.
Kinda been debating on a "CHECK THE DESCRIPTION" footnote at the bottom of each pic, or maybe dabbling in more of a """comic""" format to try to make the story content more obvious, but I really don't want to overdo it.

Still kinda glad the Halloween poll fell through, the spookiest option would've been too spooky.

Wrote and rewrote like five different variations of the IRL story here since I couldn't decide how much detail I should give, but the gist of it is that my fully-vaxxed mom caught covid and is sick at her house right now. Too early to say much, but my educated guess is she'll be a notch above a cold, but pretty likely wont need to go to the hospital. I'll try to text her more often to make sure she's not doing anything risky for the next week or so, since she got pretty antsy the last time she got locked down.
Through some of my own contact tracing, I'm quite sure I know where she got it, and my guess is that I've been exposed a little too, but not nearly as much. I'd have gotten tested, but there's a five-day wait to get tested and something like a week to get the results, which would be irrelevant by then, heh.


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