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Just dropping by to say everything is still going good; the only issue I've had so far was pretty irrelevant (a busted GPU driver that caused a BSOD), but that's all.

Better viewport performance, faster loading, faster everything, etc., etc.

I think I mentioned it somewhere, but it turns out this motherboard has quite a few less USB ports than my old one, so I dropped $20-ish on a PCI-E USB hub that I caught on a lightning sale on Amazon. Other than that, the only things I can think of are probably a better/bigger hard drive and maybe a tiny SSD. No rush, though.

As for the actual 3D stuff I'm working on, I got Hytie updated (I THINK I might give her another little update soon, I tweaked a couple things), I have the cowgirl (monstergirl style, not furry) model I'm freshening up, and I'm building the Sym Research Team's lab, which should give me a dumb excuse to branch out more on different characters to do stuff to.
After that, I still have to finish the other half of the character model updates/uploads and I'll be in the clear.

Side note: IRL's a little busier lately, my grandpa's had some non-life threatening surgeries and needs more help than usual while he recovers. The guy's a real tough cookie, so it isn't going to be a 24/7 thing, though I DID have to wake up four hours early this morning to take him to a doctor a half-hour away, ech.


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