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Like before, it's another one of those posts about my situation, good and bad.

Game plan for the Patreon money:
Currently thinking about either A: a much better CPU, so I can render better things faster in the regular Blender Render engine, or B: a better video card, so I can start rendering things in the Cycles Engine, allowing for much better lighting and shading. If I make a major purchase, it'll probably be around Black Friday or the related sale days.

A question for myself: Do I want to buy a better CPU and stick to the current engine and its' limitations, or do I buy a better graphics card so I can start experimenting in Cycles, gambling on the hopes that I can wrap my head around THAT system?

All A-OK, hunky-dory, etc. Still haven't had any weirdness from the PSU failure earlier this year. Still have yet to spend any of the Patreon money on parts or repair for any reason. Unrelated to rendering, the only thing left inside the computer that I'm debating on upgrading is the RAM, since they're the only thing left in my PC from back when I first built it about 7 years ago.

All good, haven't crashed my motorcycle yet. I should probably get some better gear, just in case- I'm not really an expert in motorcycles and the roads around here are weird.

Still working as the caretaker for my surviving Grandparents, which doesn't really make much money. Sold my car, bought a motorcycle a couple months ago. I was aiming to buy a 150-200cc scooter or something, but the motorcycle showed up and was only a little higher than my budget, so I bought it. 700ccs. Nearly broke the bank, but it was worth it, I think, since this area's not too good for scooters anyway. All I need now are some better gloves and a thicker jacket and I'll be done with buying gear, whew.


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