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I was cleaning up some folders and came across a project that didn't get off the ground, so I thought it would be fun to share as a Patreon exclusive thing. Way back when (you can tell it's been a while since they have the Venials logo), Thom was working on putting together a card game for the comic network he works on (the Wotch and such) and asked me to be a part of it. You may also remember Thom from Murry and Lewy ( http://murryandlewy.com/ ), which is also conveniently linked on the Sins Links page.

The idea was to create a battle card game based on web comics and I did a set of Sins ones, now attached to this post. I think my favorite ones are that Pride is overlapped by the text on the Seduction card and Gluttony's bear hat. Take THAT holofoil Charizard cards, the people could have had Gluttony in a bear hat cards. The project didn't come to fruition but now we at least get some bonus Sins art out of it.


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