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 Some of you might know that we have an open casting call for talented voice actresses, and we've been receiving tons of auditions which is really great. We've narrowed down a few now but more keep coming in. I'd like to post a few here to see what you guys think but I won't give share any of our feedback in case that influences your vote/comments :P

Here are two actresses who tried for Nutaku-chan! Please vote on which you like more, or leave any feedback in the comments <3

First two lines were read by Beth White. Second two were Mel Gorsha.




Oh my blessings~ Both the voices are mighty fitting for Nutaku-sama, but it seems like Mel has an easier time slipping into that role (no offense, pun intended). She gives me shivers. ♪


I don't if It's because of the quality, but I think the last one fits the best


The second one seems to be a better quality, but I like the first one more though. Just how her voice sounds makes me feel weird inside. *blushes*


I liked the second better but I'd like to hear the first with a cleaner recording and reading a less alliterative line--they both seemed to stumble on that just the first more-so.


Yeah, that alliteration hell made it hard to judge.


I think Beth sounds a little more natural.


sorry i didnt like it ..


No that's really good feedback! Reading these comments is helping us realize what we should be listening for as well :) I wasn't posting these with the intention that 'these are the final 2 we narrowed it down to' at all. It's mostly to get fan input/considerations. You're helping!


I'd ask the first to go back re-record and try to reduce the static (suggest a microphone isolation box - they are cheap to make). The second sounds far more professional and the little chuckle she added in there was sexy and funny.


Thought that Mel Gorsha was more fitting, but Beth's takes were kinda too low-quality to be able to appreciate her voice anyway.