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Each month we'll draw 3 winners from any of the patron tiers and you can have your choice of which T-shirt you'd like from the set I've posted above. Each month I cycle it out for a different set ^_^

After the winners are announced, you just have to message me your info so I can ship it to the right place. The cool thing is, you're automatically entered just by being a Patron no matter what tier level you're at! 

One note about the above designs - they can be men or women's, any size, with the option of white or black. I'll snag that info from you along with your address if you win. 

This month's contest ends September 30. Winners will be randomly selected by OjiPanda, Programmer Panda, and myself, then I will announce the winners here and will send a personal message to those people at that time. 




May the best win!! \^^/


I was meaning to bug you about if the last lot had got their stuff or not, yar.


Took it to a couple different print shops in town to get quotes and check quality. The whole thing has taken way longer than I hoped for but I should be getting them this week. Then I can ship ^_^


Good luck everyone ( ノ^.^)ノ゚


<3 Bonnie!


Okeydokey. I'm just a nosy old Robin after all. :3 Still no Q-Piddy shirt. ; ;


Of course if anyone wins I'm still calling RIGGED! o/


Which one of these shirts is best to wear for a job interview?


Haha it depends ... if you're applying to a bakery then definitely go for the Bonnibel one :)


oh noooes, but what if I'm forced to choose between my precious Bon-Bon and that super-cute Elle pose? *groan*