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Hey hey! Here's the second pass at Quill's animation =^_^= he's taken my feedback and fixed up her face a bit, which is looking great. There are a lot more  frames penciled in now, and more movement. He still needs to block out the cat's animation and other stuff but this is already looking SO good. I watched the nuzzle part twenty maybe thirty times... haha. My only feedback was that it needed to show the cat butt hole. Can't forget that!!


Quill Animation - Updated Roughs

Animator's second pass at Quill ^_^



I can't figure out if it is suppose to be simulating a camera panning/zooming away from her or she's spinning away from the camera. Either way to be able to see that in his mind and recreate it with a pencil is amazing. Must just be years of practice.


Definitely.. it blows my mind. They way I storyboarded it she was meant to sort of spin into the frame, so the camera is following her a bit but it's mostly her moving like a ballerina :P I would go insane if I had to plan out all those frames and how every hair had to move, haha.


So, I probably missed this somewhere, but are these for the main game or what?


I'm not sure if I actually said what these were for, but it's looking like they might work best as Intro animation for the visual novel I'm going to be working on next (centered around the first 5 Crush Crush girls). I love it when anime games have little animated clips for the character intros, like in the opening song or when you meet a new person. I'm thinking like Rune Factory 4 style :)