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Aaah! I'm so excited! OK I think it's safe to finally talk about this with you :D YAY! this lovely new lady is going to be our exclusive character for a partnership with Nutaku Games (a games portal) - Check them out! http://www.nutaku.net (nsfw)

They were super awesome and approached us to host the adult version of our game (since Steam is being weird and not giving answers about NSFW content)... so this worked out as a good opportunity. We'll have two versions of the game on their SFW and NSFW sites, both including Nutaku-chan so if you want to meet her you'll be able to do that on either game portal. The game will be free on both sites and basically the same one you've played on Kong/Steam but the adult version will obvi have more saucy content. I think they're posting a press release about it soon so that's probably all I can say for now.

Now her design should make more sense! The two-tone hair and heterochromia was my way of showing off both sides of the Games portal, Nutaku.com and .net (which use different colored logos). So she has a naughty and nice side for sure. I really appreciate everyone's feedback on her concept design and I hope I was able to meet your expectations with the option we all decided to go with ^_^ If you like Pamu I think you'll like her. This is her regular (nsfw) version so the outfit is sheer and shows more bits by the way. I'm just so excited we have somewhere to put this NSFW version of the game, haha. 




if it was just re-skin of the character models you could have just released a patch for it much like nekopara or sunrider did. I have heard some things about nutaku so im skeptical but ill look into it when it releases. If you have more questions about nsfw hosting or anything I can try to put you guys in contact with any of the game dev. that I support/work with they could know more than I do


Thanks! Yeah I'm hopeful that it will work out, but they've been really nice so far. I wish it was a simple art swap then we could do a patch easily, but this will have new features added in and it's much harder to make that a patch, it kind of warrants its own game since so many things are different. There will be outfits, sexy dialog, an interactive sexy times scene and the final scene will be adult... So those nekopara and winged cloud games had it easy since they only needed image swaps :P


I've been a member of Nutaku for a while, but I haven't found many games there that can hold my attention for very long, nice to see this coming. I actually found out about Crush Crush: M&U when I saw it as a banner ad on the side of Nutaku.net. It was handy that this version of my favorite idle game is coming to a site I'm already a member of.