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I went in and corrected every frame, recolored it all, added some highlights and the result is a bit better than what it was before. I'd still like to go in and add a shading layer, but that's last on my list :P


Cassie fixed version

Uploaded by Sad Panda Studios on 2016-07-10.



I mean the other one looked okay to me, but I don't understand art so rawr.


Glad that at least YOU know what you're doing, Morgo... I guess you'll have to rely either on yourself, or someone who can work more closely with you, so that you can crack that whip! :-P


lol!! Thanks William. How did you know I own a whip> jk :P It's fun, I'm forced to learn a lot (like animation! ha) but it's always best to do it yourself. Then you can make whatever it is exactly the way you have it in your head.


Exactly, it's tough to stay true to your vision when you don't have complete control over production. For piece of mind, though, you should probably keep an eye open for other artists who would work well with you and still give good quality. I've known a lot of creators who will make YouTube vids or something advertising that they are looking for help. If you ask for some brief samples, you might be able to find someone good without having to pay a bunch of people for lower quality.