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Ugh.. Groan... Grumble grumble... Sigh.


This was the ink/color pass we paid an outsource animator to do; which turned out pretty bad. The lines vary in thickness and quality, and outline things like her hair tail colors that shouldn't be outlined. The face just looks off o.O and keyframes are popping out of sync where they shouldn't. Yeesh... I'm going to redo this whole thing (and I learned my lesson about the risks of outsourcing).


Cassie outsourced awfulness

Uploaded by Sad Panda Studios on 2016-07-10.



Well, I'm no artist or animator. I don't even know what a key frame is. But it doesn't seem TOO horrible, other than the hair outline thing and that one fraction of a second where the top of her head and her dress are white. Isn't this something they'd be willing to work with you to improve? Maybe there's just a communication issue here. Though if they're presenting this as final and aren't willing to take your remarks about what needs to be corrected to be acceptable, only then would I call it bad. Oh well, keep up the good work regardless.


Thanks ^_^ Yeah it was a lot of back and forth, never getting updates from them until the final thing was done and handed off... So all my feedback could have been incorporated/fixed early on if they had been better about sharing their progress. It would be weeks sometimes months before I'd get any sort of email reply from them :s Just not a fun experience... but their quality was evidently sloppy, I even shared it with other animators who critiqued it lots and told me how disappointing it was. Booo~


Wow, that those outlines on her hair are amazing. I kinda like it, it reminds me of a Pikachu XD


I'm going through this with a completely different thing altogether (this is the 3rd time I am having someone come fix the railing for my stairway in my new house), but I know the feeling. My takeaway is that a person's quality of work is 90% related to how they respond, how they speak with you, and how they incorporate what you say about the problem. The person I had show up last time was rude, tried to place the blame on other people and not take responsibility for fixing the problem he was hired and paid to fix, left a mess, and didn't even tell me when they were finished (just up and left, not a word to me). It's a nightmare and the worst feeling is knowing you dropped $ on it and it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped or the way they described. It's unfortunate the world we live in where the majority of people's work quality is just mediocre. It's like, don't you take pride in what you're doing? Doesn't it bother you when people are not satisfied (for good reasons, not stupid ones)? I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, hopefully you can fix or salvage something from the "investment" or at least have a takeaway from it.