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These are super rough but I wanted to see what y'all think of these sketches early on. Helps save me time if I'm sketching down the wrong path ^^ So these are my ideas for what the holiday pin-up could be. It's Mio because that's who had the highest votes in my poll here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/next-wallpaper-22379612
A, B, or C .... or... Maybe none of these options work and I should try something else?  Lemme know what you think! 




I'm thinking A, but C is intriguing as well...


A or B. Though A has a bit more "wow" appeal.


I like the A, as Benjamin wrote, this one has the "wow" appeal.


I'd say A, as it looks quite erotic and more "inviting". And as a hardcore gamer, she wouldn't just make you get a the prize - you'd have to come and try to "earn" it. B looks kinda plain, she just lies there, kind of mockingly. C makes her looks like crazy and is a bit untasteful. Both seems out of character I think. So yea, A it is.