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OjiPanda thinks I should alter my Mio dragon monster girl to look more like Bowsette... I'm not sure about it so I thought I'd ask you guys! Which would be more appealing as the next monster girl? She'd be paired with a mummy-type monster (Cassie) in her bundle if you were curious.




Tough question, Bowsette is cool and all, but I think you should let Mio's individuality carry her, I think it'd feel a little weird to put a 'coat of Bowsette paint' on her.


Thank you!! That's how I feel about it. OjiPanda is just wanting to ride the trend, which IMO is a bit old at this point.


I prefer A


I am a bit torn as well, but whatever is decided, I will enjoy it regardless


Hmm ok, so I actually do like the color palette for B better, but don’t think you really need to add the Bowsette accessories (crown and bracelet.)


I was thinking the opposite, I kinda like the colours of A, but the accessories were kinds cool :D


I’m in the “kinda over transforming everyone into bowsette” camp. Bowsette is cool on her own, but mio doesn’t need to become her (unless it’s for a cosplay event lol) Perhaps there is a middle ground, since these monster girls are now separate characters, have dragon mio colored one way normally, then add in a purchasable outfit for her to swap the assets.


A lot of Mio's lines and costumes are references to video games. Unless the A version is a reference to a game character (a specific one, not just generic dragon monster girl) then I think the Bowsette reference would suit her more. I also like the colour scheme of B better.

Aaron Stacy

I prefer the colors and originality of A. :)


B <3 I really like how the spiky bracelets add depth to the perspective.


I agree with William. I like the color palette of B but without all the Bowsette accessories.


I like A the best- nothing against Bowsette, but eventually that meme is going to get a little dated. I love her having different-colored hair than normal!Mio in this form too~ Plus normal!Mio already has the Princess Peach wedding dress too so it kinda feels same-y to me even if it's still cute.

Zan Blackk

I like A and my honey likes B...I prefer B without the accessories.