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These are screenshots of some Hush Hush stuff, but it's still a long way from looking the way I want it. Mio in the top right is kinda repurposed from an older image I did...and for Hush Hush I'd like to make all new art/poses. For now though I'm just using all the things I've got. Iro/Bonbon/Elle are all new poses created for this game :D and more on the way!




Yess!!! 😍😍😍 this all looks so nice! ^3^


Looks quite promising so far, can’t wait til you get everything all polished and sparkling the way you want it!


Ooooo, shut up and take my money


The finished product is going to be amazing, I can feel it. These screenshots are exciting!


Oh my stars. These examples are lovely-looking and a lot of fun to read. I can see that you've grown a lot since making Crush Crush. <3


i'm in love your art work ^ ^

Zan Blackk

Oooo, this is going to be fantastic, I'm so looking forward to the finished product! ♥♥♥


Squeee~~~~ *dies* *resurrects* This is so awesome, I hope it gets here soon, but not too soon, like finish it properly, or don't I want it now, but also... I don't know :( :D :S


I wonder what people will think when they see our target release date... I want to have it done soon and think it's possible with Programmer Panda and me but we usually have to wait a long time for OjiPanda to write ^^; so I set the date far in the future with the hope that we could get it done sooner, and surprise people with a 'hey look now it's out!' thing. May 1 is gonna be exciting!! I hope people like the kickstarter I have put together >.


I'm sure it'll be great! ^^ I will support it for sure!


Very exciting. Where's the virtual launch party going to be at?


It looks soooo good! >.