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Working on the next update, and also wanted to thank you all for your comments and condolences, I appreciate it and read them even if I didn't reply ; u ;

We're alright, just trying to adjust to mom not being here, logically I know she's gone but can still feel her presence around, sometimes almost forgetting she's not in that bedroom anymore, but... yeah 1 day at a time I guess



Ramona Wanders

Take your time Toki, losing someone close to you leaves a wound that needs time to heal. 💕


Even just the one update was amazing, even if there’d not been any at all, we’re just glad you’re alright and that you’re taking it one day at a time. Be patient with yourself!


Love you Toki ❤ One day at a time 😊


💝 Keep moving forward. You'll get back on track soon enough. It won't be easy to face when the time comes, but we'll be here for you. There's a process, it differs for everyone, and you need to find yours and work though it.


Take all the time you need

Ed Harding

Concentrate on what is most important. We can wait!


You're more than just your art, and we all love and understand you.


One day at a time indeed Toki! Be safe and the best of wishes to you and yours through these times! Take as long as you need to get back to the status quo!!


Take a few MONTHS off if ya have to. <3

Aeon Blu

Take your time Toki we understand and support you all the way.


Please take all the time you need. Everyone here loves you and wants you to be healthy <3 Please take all the time in the world. I'm sure no one here will abandon for you for that <3 <3


Take your time Toki, We all love you and just want you to be happy. Grieving is not just something that turns off, take your time and stay healthy! Love you <3

Marley Weber

Take it easy, friend. Take all the time you need. I'll sure as hell still be here 😁

Kawaii Neko

There is no rush for your return!! Take as much time as you need.


There's no rush at all! Please take as much time as you need. Please stay healthy and take time to focus on yourself