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Seven Lawless grabs another slip and immediately sighs.

[To seven. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Mc, G, Blake?]

SEVEN: What happened to asking me about my artistry? My writing process?

PRODUCER: Answer the question, Seven.

Despite their protests, Seven actually thinks about it. They set the paper down and narrow their eyes at the camera, in thought.

SEVEN: gun-to-head end-of-the-world scenario?

PRODUCER: Do you have to have a gun to your head to involve yourself with any of the options?

SEVEN: I don’t know. I do have to have a gun to my head to do another one of these interviews, though.

PRODUCER: The question, Seven.

SEVEN: Fine. Marry MC. Do the other thing with G.

Seven flinches.

SEVEN: And Kill Blake.

PRODUCER: Why kill Blake? Is it because of the fight at the party?

SEVEN: What? That fight had nothing to do with me.

PRODUCER: But it did have something to do with MC.

Seven sits there, brows furrowing, before shaking their head.

SEVEN: Next question.

PRODUCER: Actually, there’s another question.

[Or hear me out on this, @seven fuck marry kill, mc, avina, blake]



SEVEN: Kill Blake, Marry Avina and…yeah.


SEVEN: Because. Next question.

August Pierce sits alone, headphones around their neck and their hands clasped together as they wait further instructions. They look partly nervous, but face the camera head on with a face of ease.


August’s hand rifles through the bowl of questions before taking one out.

[@august! do u get along well with the band? any quick friendships? common interests outside of the band? (hope ur not regretting it!)]

August lets out a breath of relief.

PRODUCER: You alright?

AUGUST: Yeah. Was hoping the question would be a normal one.

They look up, crumpling the paper in their hand.

AUGUST: I do get along with the band. I think Rowan likes me best.

The crew behind the camera laugh, but August simply frowns. They were being completely serious.

AUGUST: I like to skateboard. Iris claims she isn’t good at it but she wants me to teach her. I didn’t bring my skateboard on tour since it seemed silly. MC and I talked about movies. Devyn and Rowan have good taste in music.

August shrugs.

AUGUST: I don’t regret joining.

PRODUCER: You sure?

AUGUST: Yeah. That’s why I said it.

PRODUCER: Is it not worrying?

AUGUST: I think so, but if I didn’t care then I wouldn’t worry. I think it’s a good thing that I care enough to worry about how well we’re doing.

PRODUCER: How…insightful.

August grins.

[@August from AuggyLover69: did u see the fight with Underground Wasteback vs ur band? what did u think? also how does it feel to be my favorite bc u r]

August stares at the slip after reading it aloud, face blank.

AUGUST: Auggy Lover….sixty-nine….

PRODUCER: Your fans are creative.

AUGUST: I have fans?

PRODUCER: Of course.

AUGUST: It feels good to be someone’s favorite. How many questions are in that bowl?

PRODUCER: The question, August.

AUGUST: Right. I saw some of it. To be honest, I wasn’t really paying much attention. I don’t really have thoughts on it.


AUGUST: Not really…

PRODUCER: You don’t make this job easy.


PRODUCER: Orion, continue. 

Orion Quinn blows out a breath before taking out another question. He looks exhausted, likely from the last question he received. 

@Orion How do you plan to maintain a well balanced diet and workout routine while on tour?

Orion grins. His attitude quickly changes and he straightens.

ORION: This! I can answer this. The secret is to take advantage of the free gyms and the buffet. Also, bring healthy snacks with you. There's a lot of downtime so the urge to binge on junk food is strong which is why I bring with me a box of my favorite healthy granola bars...

The crew off-camera grows weary. Orion doesn't stop talking for at least fifteen minutes.

ORION: And that's essentially it. 

PRODUCER: Thank you for that....fifteen minute spiel. 

ORION: You're welcome.

@Orion — what’s your fav korean dish, and why!! (also i love you pookie bear please marry me and wear tight shirts) — from mcxorion-lvr

ORION: Thank you but I have no intention of getting married. 

PRODUCER: But you have been?

Orion ignores the question.

ORION: Pookie bear. That's....funny. 

PRODUCER: You don't like pookie bear?

ORION: I can't take you seriously when you say it so deadpan like that. And do people think I wear tight shirts on purpose?


ORION: ...

ORION: It's nice for my work to be acknowledged. 

PRODUCER: Is that a yes?

ORION: No.  Anyway to answer your question.

ORION: Bulgogi or better yet, tteokbokki. There's this street vendor my friends would take me to whenever I came to visit. The food feels very welcoming to me now. I haven't seen them in a while...

PRODUCER: Do you miss your friends?

ORION: Uh, yeah?

PRODUCER: Do you ever regret taking [BAND] on?

ORION: I just don't feel like that's relevant. 


G is nowhere to be seen, and Victoria grabs a question from the bowl. 

@Vic — best model gig you’ve done??? also how did you get did you get so sexy mamas mwah mwah

VICTORIA: Oh! I did a shoot in a flying helicopter. The concept was JETSET. I wore a dress that looked like a parachute.

PRODUCER: That sounds dangerous.

VICTORIA: I'm a hard worker. I'll try anything once.

PRODUCER: Do you think you work harder than G?



VICTORIA: We both put in equal effort.

Her voice dies away. 

VICTORIA: Anyway, sexiness like this is genetic! It's the Valentine way.

G returns just then, plopping on the chair and grabbing a question without so much as an acknowledgement. Victoria wrinkles her nose, but says nothing.

@G and Vic have you seen all the edits of you two and MC?? Maybe it’s a time to consider a third! #brokenassmarriage

G: That hashtag is--

VICTORIA: SO untrue!

Cue the awkward silence. 

G: We don't really know MC well enough. A third, you say?

PRODUCER: Scandalous.

VICTORIA: Is it really scandalous?

PRODUCER: Everything you do is scandalous to the press. How does that make you feel?

G: Is this an interview or a therapy session?

PRODUCER: Whichever compels you to answer.

G: People put their perceptions of us on us and then act surprised when we don't follow it. 

PRODUCER: Interesting answer. Care to elaborate?

G: No. 

VICTORIA: Now can someone show us these edits? I'm curious.

As Victoria says this, G takes another question.

@G and Vic - you're soooo perfect together, I'm so jealous I want a love like yours 😭😭 what's the best thing about being married?? 🥺 - from ValenReignNumber1Fan

G makes a sound in their throat as Victoria thinks about the question with an odd look.


G: Well.

VICTORIA: I think the best thing is having someone in your corner. We support each other.

G: Sometimes.

G laughs, but Victoria simply clears her throat. 

VICTORIA: And we always look out for one another.

G: I agree. 

PRODUCER: G, you don't want to add anything?

G: I think Vic said enough for the both of us. 


Blake Winter sits confidently, smiling at the camera. After a deliberate pause, they reach in and grab a slip.

@blake - What's one thing you can't leave for tour without?

BLAKE: I have a framed picture of me and my mom. Take it with me everywhere.

PRODUCER: That’s sweet.

BLAKE: That sounds sarcastic.

PRODUCER: It’s not.

@Blake how does it feel to be such a sore loser that botb had to make an exception for you

BLAKE: What the…

PRODUCER: Answer the question.

BLAKE: Better a sore loser than a cheater.

PRODUCER: Do you know what a sore loser is?

BLAKE: Is that a real question?


@Seven - can you spit your gum in my mouth.

SEVEN: What?


SEVEN: Is this a real question someone submitted?


Seven: Is this a fetish thing?

PRODUCER: I think it's a fan-of-Seven-Lawless thing.

Seven then begins to laugh, reading it over again with a face of awe and surprise. 

SEVEN: Oh, man. 

SEVEN: That's funny. I mean, yeah. I'm up for it!

PRODUCER: Are you really?

SEVEN: Maybe if I close my eyes I'd do it. Actually, yeah. I'd do it. 

PRODUCER: That says a lot about you.

SEVEN: Maybe. 

SEVEN: I want to keep this. Can I? Pope would love it.

PRODUCER: You're not the first person to want to keep it. Go ahead. 


Nat G

the number of times i raised my brows - especially @ orion and valenreign - these responses were so intriguing and insightful and ofc give me more questios erteaed augusts part made me appreciate and love them even MORE

Nessy Lovegood

Nooooo no Savina!!!! My MC Sirena's heart can't take it!!!!