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The video starts with a thirty-second ad for the upcoming season of Battle of the Bands. The BOTB TV show logo shines in the center before it cuts to a white background and a single desk. Hung up is a banner that displays: MISFIT ALLEY’S Battle of the Bands.

A series of shots is played next, depicting the cast members of BOTB taking a seat. It cuts one after the other: a scene of Seven pulling out their chair and sitting with a sigh, August with their cheek on their hand as they wait for further instructions, more and more of the cast members get comfortable. It ends with G and Victoria pulling their seats in. G makes a comment on how bright the lights are, which makes Victoria snort.

A second series of shots follow: of the camera crew plopping a large, white bowl on the table. Inside: folded pieces of paper.

Seven Lawless, lead singer of Soft Violence, peers at the bowl, eyes narrowed.

SEVEN: What is this?


Seven clicks their tongue, already annoyed. The green military jacket they wear is shredded at the cuffs, and their hair is tied back, their forehead wrapped in their signature red bandana.

SEVEN: I know that. I mean, what’s with all the mystery?

PRODUCER: It’s how the show works.

Clearly unsatisfied, they slump back in their seat.

PRODUCER: Why? Nervous?

Seven quirks a brow at the producer that stands off camera, scoffing a moment later.

SEVEN: I almost forgot.

PRODUCER: Forgot what?

Seven cuts piercing green eyes to the camera, looking directly at it. Then, they look away.

SEVEN: Nothing.

- - - -

The next shot cuts to G and Victoria. Victoria attempts to grab the bowl, which sits closest to her, before G swipes it before she could even lay a finger.

Victoria rolls her eyes as G lets out a bubble of amused laughter.

G: I love these things.

VICTORIA: Talking about yourself?

G: …Yeah.

With their arm still in the bowl, G winks at the camera. Victoria huffs out a laugh before G grabs a piece of paper and victoriously raises it above their head.

G: Alright, let’s see what we have…

G unfolds the piece of paper. Victoria leans in to peer at it.

G: Mike asks—hi Mike—um…

[ G, you really seem like you’re getting wilder and wilder. Is all of the partying and excessive behavior a cry for attention or just a lack of self-control?

As a long time fan of Misfit Alley I’m really worried about you. ]

Victoria lifts her brows, her eyes going from the paper to G. G, on the other hand, stares at the paper, lips parted. They’re silent for a long moment before their hands drop unceremoniously on the table, the paper crumpling in their ring-heavy fist.

G: I don’t like this question.

PRODUCER: You just said you liked talking about yourself.

A pathetic sound comes out of G’s mouth when they try to speak, and they glance back down at the paper. They scratch their head in thought, the movement awkward. The camera zooms into their face, clearly torn.

VICTORIA: We don’t have to…

G: It’s not excessive behavior.

G curls their hair behind their ear, their brows knitting together as they glance at the page again.

G: I’m just…having fun, you know? I’m young!

G laughs, but it sounds forced. They tilt back in their seat, forcing a shrug. Victoria looks increasingly uncomfortable.

PRODUCER: So you don’t think you party excessively?

G: Excessive is relative.

PRODUCER: Okay. Fair enough. What about the other half of the question?

G: Other half….?

G shifts uncomfortably in their seat, silent. Victoria, her eyes going from G to the crew, clears her throat and shoves a hand in the bowl.

VICTORIA: Next question.

[whats the juice! fave and least fave thing abt each other GO!]

G snorts, still appearing uncomfortable, but their shoulders relax at the change in topic.

G: …I’d rather answer the last question.

VICTORIA: Funny. I think…my least favorite thing about you…

It’s Victoria’s turn to look uncomfortable.

VICTORIA: You party too much. And I don't like your drinking.

PRODUCER: Hm. Relevant.

G: And I think you worry about me too much.

VICTORIA: If I don't, who will?

G’s expression sours. Victoria instantly looks remorseful.

VICTORIA: I didn't mean...

G begins taking off their mic.

PRODUCER: What are you doing?

G: Can we take five?

- - -

The video cuts back to Seven, who lazily puts a hand in the clear glass bowl. They stare at someone off camera.

SEVEN: I can’t believe videos like these are a contractual obligation.

PRODUCER: That’s showbiz for you.

Seven snorts and unravels the slip.

[@seven what is are these rumors that everyone is speaking of…is it about mc?]

Sevens face drops. They crumple the slip and throw it over their shoulder.

SEVEN: I’m not answering that.

PRODUCER: You hav—

SEVEN: No, I don’t.

Seven grabs another slip.

[@seven are u seeing anyone??]

Seven sighs and slumps back in their chair, twirling the slip around their finger in thought.


PRODUCER: That's surprising.

SEVEN: Is it?

PRODUCER: One would think people would be clamoring for your attention.

Seven Lawless laughs. They sound unconvinced.

SEVEN: There's no attention that's worth my attention.

PRODUCER: Really? No one comes to mind?

They snort a little, a small smile on their face.

SEVEN: Not at all.

- - -

[BAND] is the next one up. Rowan, Iris and Devyn sit together. The questions don’t start immediately because they briefly bicker over who gets to dig into the bowl, until Rowan wins.

ROWAN: Do you think my mom is going to watch this video?

IRIS: I don’t think so. No.

ROWAN: Bummer.

Rowan unravels the slip and immediately scowls.

ROWAN: Bullshit.

Iris and Devyn peer to look at the question.


cheaters never win!! get rekt @rowan!! uw is a gazillion times better than ur stupid band!!

ROWAN: Oh, fuck y-

Devyn quickly nudges Rowan, who stops.

DEVYN: This is going to be online.

As if to save themselves, Devyn quickly grabs another slip, only to curse when she opens it.

ROWAN: What is it?

Devyn hesitates, but then reads it aloud.

[@Rowan: have you always been so reactive or is really just the coin drop on the fact you guys can make it big that is bringing out all the insecurities?]

ROWAN: I'm not insecure...Who said that? I'm not reactive either!

Iris and Devyn stare at him. Rowan shifts uncomfortable.

ROWAN: I'm not reactive. I've just been stressed.

PRODUCER: Is this show stressful for you?

ROWAN: Is being on TV 24/7 in front of millions of people stressful?

Iris laughs.

DEVYN: It's our first time doing this. Cut us some slack. Rowan is protective of the band, as we all are.

IRIS: Some bands just like to play dirty.

ROWAN: It'll all be worth it when we win.

PRODUCER: You're confident you'll win?

ROWAN: Of...course?

Rowan's voice doesn't sound confident at all.


PRODUCER: Orion Quinn, welcome.

Orion Quinn, [BAND]'s manager, shifts uncomfortably as he toys with the mic clipped to his collar.

ORION: Why am I here?

PRODUCER: You're an asset to the show. And people have questions for you.

ORION: For me?

Orion's eyes land on the bowl of questions and he sighs.


He grabs the first slip his hand touches, not bothering to sift around for one. Unraveling it quickly, he quirks a brow.

[@Orion: Would you be relieved or disappointed if MC actually listened to your reprimands and stopped flirting with you?]

ORION: ...

PRODUCER: Something wrong?

ORION: Is answering a requirement?

PRODUCER: Well, it's preferred.

Orion awkwardly scratches his neck. The camera zooms in on his face, a blush having bloomed across his cheeks.

ORION: MC doesn't flirt with me.


Orion clears his throat.

ORION: Yes. That would be...inappropriate otherwise.

He quickly grabs another slip, ears red.

[@Orion: Have you heard of Cory before? I couldn't help but get the impression that you knew of her somehow when she met the band.]

PRODUCER: Cory isn't in today, but I'll tell her we said hi.

ORION: I...don't know Cory.

PRODUCER: You don't sound convinced.

ORION: These lights are giving me a headache.

PRODUCER: You seem hot. Do you want some water?

Orion pushes the chair back. He doesn't look at the camera.

ORION: Actually, I need to go to the restroom.


The camera cuts back to Seven, this time with their Soft Violence members. Avina sits on their left, Kieran on their right while Pope sits at the very end.

POPE: Can I choose?

KIERAN: I want to choose.

POPE: That's not my problem.

AVINA: You guys are not going to fight about this.

Seven sighs as Kieran and Pope fight to grab the bowl.

PRODUCER: How about you take turns?

POPE: I'm embarrassed I didn't think of that.

Pope quickly grabs the bowl, much to Kieran's annoyance. He reads the slip, cackling. When he looks at Avina and Seven, they both shift uncomfortably.

AVINA: What?

[to seven and/or avina: what do u have to say to all ur #savina fans out there??]

Seven and Avina share uncomfortable looks. They don't speak for a moment.

PRODUCER: Savina? Can someone explain that to me?

Seven glares at the producer.

POPE: It's their fans. Seven and Avina~

KIERAN: There's a whole theory they're dating secretly. Good stuff.

SEVEN: That's not--

AVINA: We're not.  We appreciate the enthusiasm but-

SEVEN: We're not dating.

PRODUCER: Why would you fans think that?

Seven shrugs. Avina doesn't look at the camera.

PRODUCER: There has to be a reason.

AVINA: Other than pure speculation?

SEVEN: I'm not...I don't date bandmates.

[ex-seven]PRODUCER: Really? History says otherwise.

[ex]Seven looks away, pouting slightly.

[ex]SEVEN: Exactly. I learned my lesson the first time.

[friend-seven]PRODUCER: There's always a first for everything.

SEVEN: I have experience that taught me that bandmates should stay bandmates.

PRODUCER: You mean with your last band? When you left?

Seven frowns.

SEVEN: I hate these questions.

Pope is falsely cheery when he speaks up.

POPE: Me too! Next question~

KIERAN: My turn! Pope, don't touch it.

[@Avina please tell us what you really think about the whole Seven's drama]

AVINA: Drama? What drama?


Orion returns from his break and sighs. He says nothing before shoving his hand in the bowl.

ORION: I really hope this one is...

[@orion slutty waist AND man tits why are you a whore (affectionate)]

ORION: Jesus.

ORION: Whore??

PRODUCER: It's a compliment.

ORION: Is it? Doesn't feel like it.

PRODUCER: How old are you?

ORION: Too old, it seems.

PRODUCER: The internet advances fast.

ORION: Can I keep this? I need to ask Rowan about this.

PRODUCER: *laughing* Go ahead.

ORION: Thank you.


Tweedle Dee

Oh this is just too perfect, thanks for writing! It actually really adds to BoTB as it's own entity outside of what the MC experiences and I love it.

Nessy Lovegood

7... who has caught your attention?!?!? I need to knooooww!!! And Ori you're so adorable omg 😳 his reaction to MC flirting with him was adorable 😍