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  • Baldurs WIP.mp4



I actually had some empty time after finishing the last animation so I went ahead and started on the monthly. I hate starting it so early cause it feels weird but I guess as long as I get it done on time 👍. Keeping this one on the shorter side

Still got a bit to do such as general movements, actually animate the peen, change some body shapes, and try to add a whole lotta jiggles


***Tech Notes***
I wanted to cool down with some shorter animations (also cause I want to try some new techniques) so this one is gonna be on the short loop side of things similar to that last widow animation. I'm going to try a technique to make the anal look better and I'll be trying some jiggle techniques with the Rikolo Jiggle done a different way mixed with shapekeys. Really excited to try a new addon as well that is suppose to help give some smushing on the mesh (skin) so it looks nice when bodies collide with either other things or itself.

I need to try more sex rhythms. Such as longer in and shorter out thrusting, etc. I started to on this one but the change is so subtle you probably don't notice it. Eh, I'll try it down the line.

Really trying to get more into focusing on good facial expressions. When you animate, there is so much to do to make something the best it can be that it can be overwhelming to focus on certain parts. I never went hard of facial expression simply because I never thought to. I was busy worrying about 50 other things I thought were more important but... I do think I've been not giving credit to how much faces can matter.

I added the change with shadowheart grabbing her 'junk' just before posting this WIP. I suddenly thought of it and thought it would be cool. For this animation, I really want to see how good I can get some ripples and jiggles to look. None of that is in the WIP yet so hopefully I can make it look good for you guys. That is partially why I made Shadowheart "thiccer". Also, I kind of just always do that I guess...

In case anyone wonders I did actually play Baldur's Gate 3 when it came out with friends. Fun game



David Barger

Ooo fuck can’t wait!!! Love this already