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  • Bayo Strut (LQ).mp4



Here's something small I did to test 2 main things. Jiggles and walking. (More details under tech notes)

I got another boxing match intro I'm nearly done with and another animation I am also trying to finish up. The animation is a bit intensive so I've been only able to work on it with my main computer when I get the time.

Check the usual links for peanut tier and cashew tier. Check folder called "Bayo Strut (Test)". Added to quick download as well. Cashew folder will have higher quality as usual in the folder and all folders contain a clothed version.

Peanut Tier - https://www.patreon.com/posts/peanut-tier-90184265
Cashew Tier - https://www.patreon.com/posts/cashew-tier-90184124

***Tech Notes***

Like I mentioned this is for Jiggles and Walking so I'll make a section for both.

So, if you have been with me for a while you remember I said I only started animating last year. When I started I had my reasons I wanted to but it was mostly cause I wanted to create the stuff I liked to see and wanted more freedom of purely making what I can think up in my head. However... since I've started my ambition has actually gotten additional layers. I now do like the process of animating and can get addicted to wanting to do basic animation stuff such as walking and possibly other stuff...


I think walking is hard and easy to do. It's hard if you are trying to do it from scratch but easy if you follow a tutorial. For example, I've guessed on alot of animations and even when not the best, it comes out atleast ok. With walking, I can't guess lol. It will look terrible. I followed this diagram along with a video.

 I think it came out nice and I think if I had to do it again I could finish mostly all of the cycle in 30 minutes roughly. I don't know how often I'll use walks in videos but the practice can help with my skills as a whole.


So, the jiggles in the video aren't crazy big noticeable but they do exist in the butt and breasts. I'm using an addon called "simplicage" for the quick physics. I do know how to do it manually without the addon but there is really no reason not to take this great shortcut. You select a bone or group or vertex group (skin) and then it creates the physics cage for you. I had to mess around with the settings before it looked somewhat normal and there are still some issues I see but I think it still looks rather good. I actually have some additional physics in the butt and breasts with wiggle bones as well. If you are curious of the difference. Wiggle bones is to move the bones. So when you move that, the most you can get it the boobs moving in one direction at a time. Simplicage or "mesh physics" is moving the mesh's (skin) individual vertices which is why it is more detailed but gonna be much more intensive on your computer which is why low end computers can't do it. (As mentioned I have two computers. I am able to do it on one but not the other because of this which is why I never devoted myself to trying it too much but that may change).



David Barger

Oh I love it! 😍