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Hey friends! While I'm getting geared up here I thought I'd share this image of the preliminary logo for Loop Garoo. I already posted it to Twitter, but I can share some extra behind-the-scenes thoughts here.

It took me awhile to find a font. I wanted something that would reflect a bit of the chaos and confusion the main character goes through while learning he's a werewolf; but I did not want to veer into blood-splatter or violence, since that's not really what the story is about. Eventually I found one called Freehand Brush by Zetafonts that worked as a good start. Of course, after typing the name I immediately converted it to vector outlines and started playing around to create a logotype: I used the "regular" version of the font because I thought it had more character than the "bold" version, but thickened up some of the lines by hand; enlarged or reduced or inverted some letters, tweaked them here and there, and rearranged them into a tight, locked-together formation.

I used a blue moon as a unifying element. Even though (as you'll soon discover) the lunar cycle doesn't really affect the werewolves in my story, it's still a strong visual association, and it reduces nicely to a circular shape to tie everything together.

As an old-school designer, I've always felt that any logo should be reducible to a single color while maintaining its legibility and recognition. To that end I made sure I could have several variants available for different uses: full-color for online or process printing, and two-color and one-color versions for different printing options. There's even a version with only the text that I think still reads well.

Also of note: While the rendered version of the moon will probably remain blue, I don't feel the need to maintain specific colors for the lettering or across the one- and two-color versions of the logo. I'd like to mix them up depending on what I'm doing.

So, there it is! This isn't necessarily the final version of the logo … I may tweak it a bit, but for now I'm pretty happy with it, after fretting about it for so long! Thanks for reading along.

(Also, even though this is technically behind-the-scenes stuff, I've left this post open to all patrons as a thank you for jumping on board!)



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