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Hey folks!

Augh, I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to briefly pause the campaign for the upcoming month. I'm so frustrated after doing pretty well since the start of the year, but after already missing two weeks due to the boyf's surgury and then both of us getting sick, things are still looking a bit hectic* and I'm gonna have to focus on other things for a few more weeks. No one should be charged in the next billing thru July, and I'll start producing strips and pages again before the next billing period around August.

*Basically a few things clashed at one time. I was already running a bit behind from the aforementioned delays. Anthrocon is barely more than two weeks away and I need to get prep work done for that; and then I started looking over some notes from my freelance client and realized he needs a LOT more work from me in the next few weeks than I was anticipating. That plus a few other things I need to catch up on, and I'm gonna have to put the comics on the backburner for just a short time.

Looking ahead though: (1) I will be at both Anthrocon and and DenFur this summer, so if you'll be attending either of those, stop and say hello! and (2) I'm already thinking about the next short story I'll be working on after the current Coyena Comic. Folks in the Ginormous and Brobdingnagian tiers will start seeing development work for that story in the coming couple of months, and folks in the Massive and Colossal tiers will start seeing pages of that story shortly after the current story ends!

Again, thanks everyone for your support and for being around, I do appreciate it! And if you do want to toss a little extra while the campaign is paused, it's not expected but you may do so at my KoFi page. In the meantime, any questions let me know, and -- have a great couple of weeks ahead! ❤️


Tanmux Dragon

Don't stress, real Life Matters come first! So please take good care of yourself! We'll all be fine. :-)


Will try to give you a tip for the month regardless