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Hey friends! I’m so sorry, but I’ve been feeling sick as a dog the past few days and haven’t had the energy to work on this week’s comics. (I did take a COVID test yesterday that came out negative; I’ll do another tomorrow to be sure but I think this is just a bad cold going around.)

I feel really bad about taking two “mulligan” weeks off so close together, but I guess it’s just been a hard month so far. If I do start feeling better I may see if I can do a My Bigger Boyfriend strip to post late this week. I probably won’t get to Coyena Comics until next week, but there’s a two-page spread coming up so I’ll probably do two pages in one week anyway.

I’ll be focusing most on recovering though, especially with Anthrocon only a few weeks away! If things continue to slip, I’ll see about pausing billing in July to get caught up again; whatever happens I’ll keep y’all posted.

Thanks again for your support and your patience, and hope you all have a great week! ❤️



Hope everything will get better for you.


Speedy recovery to you and best wishes. Taking the time off you need is important!