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Chapter 31: The Courtroom is Like a Battlefield, With No Distinction Between Men and Women

As they walked, the two bantered with each other.

Although there were frequent criminal incidents along the way, it was not particularly dangerous.

At precisely 8:30, half an hour before the court session began, they arrived at the Tokyo High Court.

Entering the hall, it was quite crowded.

The intensity of the second trial was much higher than the first. Numerous reporters were on standby, and many of them had interviewed Kensuke in previous court appearances. Upon seeing him enter, they swarmed like bees.

Kensuke repeated his classic line.

"My client is absolutely innocent; this is a miscarriage of justice!"

His words were convincing, and his expression showed no signs of deceit.

"Komemon Kensuke, the lawyer who won his debut case with overwhelming superiority, what kind of record will he achieve in today's battle?"

"Sharp and outstanding, reaching the peak from the debut!"

"The showdown between the rising lawyer and the popular female prosecutor—anticipating with bated breath!"

The reporters were excited, snapping pictures of him and crafting imaginary headlines and content for tomorrow's news.

The reporters' assault was troublesome, and even Kensuke couldn't withstand it. He pushed through the crowd and, in three quick steps, reached the women's restroom, planning to stay there until the trial began.

"For entering the women's restroom openly, I can arrest and charge you with sexual harassment."

A cold voice came from the side.

Turning his head, Kensuke saw the familiar face of Kujo Reiko, standing by the washbasin, looking displeased.

Japanese women paid great attention to their makeup and often touched up during the day.

Seeing her holding a box of foundation, applying powder to her face, Kensuke couldn't help but remark, "No matter how much makeup an old aunt like you puts on, you won't get any younger."

"Very well, add another charge of insult."

Reiko took out a pair of rose gold handcuffs from her pocket, ready to cuff Kensuke's hands.

Kensuke sidestepped, revealing his iconic smile.

"You can handcuff me, but you have no evidence to charge me because I did not have the subjective intention to enter here; I just entered the wrong restroom. Besides, I am the lawyer for this case, and I can sue you for obstructing the judicial process."

"Heh, your brain is quite flexible."

Reiko put away the handcuffs, shaking her head.

"If you could use your brain for something serious, that would be great."

Pausing for a moment, Reiko glanced around and noticed Haibara by Kensuke's side.

"Is this the child labor you hired?" she said with a hostile look.

"What child labor? She's my little sister."

Kensuke patted Haibara's head. "Come on, Haibara, call her Aunt Kujo."

Haibara, seemingly obedient, bent down. "Hello, Aunt Kujo. My brother often talks about you."

Reiko took a deep breath.

The mention of brother and aunt directly added a generation to her.

She forced a smile. “Little one. Big sister here is not yet 30 this year."

Haibara revealed an innocent smile. "Wow~ Big sister, you look so young! You resemble my 33-year-old aunt!"


These siblings were truly infuriating!

Reiko glared fiercely at Kensuke.

She had come here with full confidence, but now her good mood was completely destroyed.

"Be careful later!"

With that said, she left the restroom angrily without looking back.

"Not bad, the child star actor indeed. But it would be better if you could strengthen the attack a bit more."

Kensuke gave Haibara a thumbs-up.

Haibara regained her calm expression. "Is it really okay to do this?"

"Of course, women are the creatures most easily swayed by emotions, especially on certain days when this tendency becomes more pronounced."

Kensuke wore a smile on his face from beginning to end.

As it turns out, the brief confrontation just now was deliberately arranged by Kensuke. While avoiding the reporters, he chose not to enter the men's restroom, suspecting that Reiko might be in the women's restroom.

A long time ago, Kensuke had conducted an investigation into Reiko, knowing some of her personal and rather private information.

For example, according to the calendar, today should be around the time when she finished her monthly cycle. The fact that she chose to handle a court case on such a day spoke volumes about Kujo's character.

As his opponent, Kensuke naturally took advantage of this.

Now, Reiko's mood must be quite bad. As expected, it would likely affect the judgment in the courtroom that followed.

"You really are a despicable, shameless, filthy, and dirty scoundrel, exploiting even the weaknesses of women."

Haibara, with an expressionless face, looked at Kensuke, who maintained a smiling face throughout. She spared no words in leveling up her evaluation of him.

"The courtroom is like a battlefield, with no distinction between men and women."

Kensuke didn't argue with her.

Checking the time, after spending some time in the restroom stall, Kensuke left the women's restroom and headed towards the courtroom.

The courtroom at the High Court was considerably larger than those at local courts. There were dozens of rows of spectator seats, and the seating arrangement was tiered, much like a university lecture hall.

Not long after, the judge, jurors, plaintiffs, and defendants arrived one by one.

The lineup for the second trial was much larger than the first, with three judges and six jurors, and the corresponding seating was more spacious.

Strictly speaking, in Japanese, judges are called "hanshi." There are eight ranks for judges, and to be at the High Court, the rank should be at least above average.

"Now, we begin the trial for the second appeal!"

With the judge's gavel striking, it signaled the start of the trial.

Following the procedure, it was the prosecutor's turn to read the indictment.

"The defendant lured the victim to the billiard room of the hot spring inn and used a picked-up firearm to kill the victim. This act violated Article 199 of the Japanese Penal Code, constituting the crime of intentional murder. In addition, the defendant possessed an illegal firearm, violating the Japanese Firearms and Swords Control Law. The court charges the defendant with either of these two serious crimes. Please judge the defendant for the crime of intentional murder according to the law."

Reiko held the indictment and read it swiftly without a pause.

The judges sitting on the bench couldn't help but frown.

Generally, the requirement for a prosecutor reading the indictment is to articulate clearly and forcefully, not at this rushed pace, almost like chasing ducks.

Judging by her expression, it seemed like she was a bit impatient.

"Madam Kujo..."

Seated beside her, Masami Ryuuji, quietly tugged at Reiko's sleeve.

Only then did Reiko realize that, influenced by the Kensuke siblings in the restroom just now, she had inadvertently shown a bit of temper.

Her face reddened slightly, and she coughed.

"Sorry, my apologies."

"Please have the prosecution reread the indictment!"

The judge in the middle of the three hammered the gavel.

In his fifties, he was the highest-ranked among the three judges, so he sat in the middle and wielded the gavel.

Laughter erupted from the spectator seats below.

Reiko composed herself and read the indictment again at a normal pace.

When she sat down, her gaze shifted to the opposite side, directly meeting the lawyer's seat where Kensuke sat. He wore that infuriating, almost-smirking expression.

Furthermore, he even grinned and made a drinking-hot-tea motion.

Reiko easily understood his meaning, and instantly, her teeth clenched, almost producing steam from the heat in her head. She silently cursed.

Damn scoundrel, Kensuke. You'll see how it goes later!


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