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Chapter 12.5: The End of Routine

Today's third class is Hoshinomiya-sensei's math class. 

The fact that the classroom that would always be filled with chatting noise suddenly quitted down when the bell rings for the class to begin is something that always makes me silent in wonder.

This class discipline is remarkably high.

"Hello~ Today, as agreed, we will have a little quiz~"

Seeing her cheery attitude as she began to wave the quiz paper in her hand with a smile, I admitted inside my heart about the fact that I’ve mixed feelings about this teacher. This girl is lively and cute, something that would make her more popular among the more relaxed student body, but at the same time, her cheery demeanor can also be unsettling for the more serious type of student. Overall, I'm not sure how to choose what kind of front I should use when facing her.

"Because we have a test at the end of the month, we will have a quiz now to assess how far you understand the taught subject matter. Please pass the papers to the back, and if there are any extras, distribute them evenly."

Since we were forewarned beforehand, this quiz doesn't come as a surprise. I'm worried about what might happen if I choose to do poorly, but the next words from Hoshinomiya-sensei dispel my doubts and fears.

"This quiz will only serve as a reference for the future and won't affect your overall grades in your report card. So, there's no risk involved, but I still hope you all still can do your best without resorting to cheating."

A grade report, also known as a report card, is a written notice that records a student's academic performance.

This statement piques my interest. I don't think the school would conduct tests beyond what's necessary, although it could be a unique feature of this school. However, I lean towards the idea that grades will reflect on something else.

With that said, it seems this test isn't as important as I thought, nor is it the "initial assessment" as described by the upperclassmen.

It's a test, but it’s more of a reminder for the students who are being lazy to focus more on studying for the upcoming assessment.

Since that's the case, I'll just do a little above the average of Class B overall score.

I glance through the exam paper. There are four questions for each subject, totaling twenty questions, with each question worth five points for a total of one hundred.

None of the written questions are filled with something I can’t answer correctly.


Except for the last three questions, the rest of the test questions are so simple that it's disheartening, it’s even lower than the level of the school entrance exams.

It's so simple that those who get it wrong on answering those questions should be brought to the teacher's office for questioning whether they cheat on the entrance exams or not.

However, I must admit, those last three questions are somewhat outrageous, it’s a mathematical question that requires the student to understand complex equations that would only be taught in our 3rd year to even start to understand what is being asked.

Under the supervision of Hoshinomiya-sensei, I'm still pondering over what kind of school board would allow the teacher to use these kinds of questions for their 1st year students' test when the bell for the end of class rings.


"Hey, Shiratori, how many points do you have left?"

"Not much. I spent 70.000 points on a computer before, so now I only have about 5.000 left— How about you?"

"I'm a bit better off than you. I still have about 7.000 points."

"What about Okabe?"

"I only have 2.000 left."

"So, basically, we all have about the same number of points." Shiratori sighed. "Luo, How about you?"

"I'm not sure, but I think I’m about the same."

"You think? Why not just check your phone?"

"Too lazy~"

"Hey, are your points really similar to ours? You  are basically the incarnation of sloth, it would amaze me if you could spend more than 5.000 points on this month alone.”

"Please don't doubt my capabilities to spend freely given money," I retorted casually, subtly leading the team away from the vending machine.

If we run into that thing, we might end up staying there for a while, and the rest of the boys will probably spend their last remaining point on drink.

"Hmm, that’s true, it’s often said that the laziest ones are the one who spent the most money."

"Huh, that's actually quite possible."

Suddenly, Okabe comes up to me and slings his arm around my neck.


"Okabe, what’s up?"

"Luo~ Is the reason why you don't want to tell us your real remaining point is because you use it to complete your ‘collection’?~"


Complete… my collection… ?

"Hee~ Look at how speechless he is, he must be shy."

"Haha, Luo-kun, it's okay. We're all guys here, so there's nothing wrong with talking about that. We definitely won't tell the girls in our class about this. We're in this together."

Ah, what could it be?

If we're talking about collections, I do use some of my points for random things to cover up the listening devices and hidden monitors that I bought.

Ah, is that the commonality we all share? I see.

"You got me."

"See? I told you." Okabe confidently tilts his head back. "Don't be fooled by this guy's ignorant appearance. Luo-kun might actually be the biggest pervert in the class."

No, I absolutely did not use the monitors and listening devices for things like peeping on girls changing  their clothes!

"No, I didn't do that." I retorted directly.

"What, you never did?" Okabe looks at me in shock, with a hint of admiration on the faces of the other two.

Wait, have you all done it?

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't look at us with that contemptuous expression! It's not that we're abnormal, it's that you're abnormal! Why haven't you done that kind of thing? Is your brain broken or something?"

"Luo-kun, we genuinely admire you for this."

"That kind of thing is too risky no matter how you look at it, and it will face moral sanctions if it’s found out."

"Too risky? Hm… You have a point, but as long as you're careful, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Yeah, as long as you show a little restraint, nothing will go wrong." Takashima nodded thoughtfully.

Restraint? No, are we talking about the same thing?

Are we really on the same wavelength with this conversation?

"So, where exactly are we going?"

To stop the leakage of this conversation, I shifted the topic, though it's a diversion, I really want to know where our destination is. I have full control over the direction of this team, but I don't know where we're headed.

"Huh? You don't know?"

"I just received a message from Takashima to come down here, I don't know anything else."

"We don’t have an exact destination in mind."


"We just wanted to stroll around the school."


Ah, I shouldn't have come out after all.


[I've booked a KTV room after school on Friday. If anyone wants to join, let me know!]

Well, such a message sparked enthusiasm among the boys in the class. This enthusiasm was quite superficial, the boys only appearing eager to participate on the surface, but they are pretty much on the ‘will go if free, will not if not’ mindset. It's like when a bunch of guys discuss finding a girlfriend, they feel a surge of determination and pledge, "I'll definitely find a girlfriend this semester," but in reality, they don't do anything about it, maybe because they're too scared to act.

Right now, our group of boys is caught up in this false enthusiasm.

The message was sent out by some girl in the class, but I couldn't see who it was. The information had already been catapulted into the distant cosmos.

"Luo-kun, are you planning to go?"

Ichinose suddenly turned to look at me, and my body instinctively wanted to lash out a hand chop on the back of her neck to knock her out. But fortunately, I suppressed this instinctive action.

"Are you talking about going to KTV to sing? I don't know how to sing, and I've never tried it before, so I'll spare everyone the embarrassment."

"I don't either, but we can try to learn there. We're all classmates, so it's fine."

"I think the probability of it being more awkward due to being classmates is even higher."

"It's not necessarily about singing when we go there, and Luo-kun, don't you want to be more popular?"

"Going there just makes my unpopularity worse."

"It's better to let go of these negative thoughts. It's because of this that not many people pay attention to you."

"I just find it bothersome."

"Alright then." Ichinose didn't insist further, which relieved me.

At the same time, I glanced at the sign-up list in the class group chat.

Without significant incentives, I won't do anything out of line.

This school prides itself on its high college and employment rates, ranking among the top high schools in Japan. So, perhaps... This leisurely routine would soon come to an end.

Deep in my heart, I hoped for it to be so.

After all, for a man whose hand caused the death and suffering of hundreds of thousand people, this kind of leisurely daily life— Is something that I deserve not.


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