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Volume 2 Chapter 50: The Final Preparation Before the End (Part 2)

In the cloudy skies of Australia, both Godzilla and Godzilla Jr. were fine-tuning their structures, undergoing bodily transformations.

They were altering their bodies, turning themselves into different elements, completely changing themselves into organisms constructed from different chemical materials—a level of transformation Godzilla currently couldn't achieve.

However, Godzilla could make adjustments to his structure.

For example, he could increase his body weight from the current 24 million tons to 50 million tons, and extend his height from 500 meters to 600 or 700 meters.

He could also establish new nuclear fusion reactors within his body to enhance his energy storage capacity, obtaining a stronger energy source.

Additionally, like Godzilla currently had, he could accumulate more focusing crystals in his throat to increase his maximum laser energy output.

Although he couldn't improve his quality, Godzilla still had room to grow in quantity.

Even without panels.

Today, at this moment, Godzilla successfully implanted more focusing crystals in his throat, allowing his laser power to increase from the initial 50 terawatts to 1 petawatt.

The range of conventional breath attacks wouldn't allow him to snipe the Ghidorah's Wings while they were still within the Earth-Moon system, only lasers would suffice.

So, over the past few days, he had been tirelessly manufacturing focusing crystals within his body to increase the number of times he could use petawatt-level lasers.

After reaching the petawatt level, the materials for the focusing laser couldn't withstand repeated use. Every time it was used, the focusing material would be completely destroyed.

To use this powerful laser multiple times, they needed to prepare multiple sets of focusing crystals.

Currently, he had prepared crystals to release four petawatt-level lasers.

By the time the Ghidorah's Wings arrived, he would have at least ten sets of petawatt-level laser crystals prepared in his body.

But that was still far from enough.

The number of Ghidorah's Wings far exceeded this.

For the sake of this planet's nature, for the sake of other lives, he must annihilate them all in outer space.

Godzilla's body continued to synthesize crystals for sniping, and at this point, he should also set off to the prepared battlefield.

If they weren't all killed in outer space and dragged into ground combat, Godzilla didn't want to engage them where living beings were present. It was better to head to the silent wilderness in the Australian interior, where other lives wouldn't be harmed.

As for Godzilla Jr., he was preparing to stay behind and protect his homeland. Before leaving, Godzilla gave Jr. a homework assignment.

He looked at the newborn and explained his body structure and synthesis methods, allowing Jr. to strengthen his body during Godzilla's absence.

Godzilla Jr. was still too weak at this stage. As he was now, he couldn't withstand human weapons.

So, Godzilla arranged many tasks for him to follow to become stronger.

"Okay, Mom, I will definitely do as you say," reassured the newborn Godzilla Jr.

So Godzilla entrusted the protection of his ecosystem to Godzilla Jr. and set off alone for the wilderness of inland Australia, where he could accumulate strength.

Next, it was just a matter of waiting.


"The cumulonimbus clouds above the Australian jungle have dispersed? If that's all— What? What did you say? Another Godzilla has appeared inside?!"

In the various monster combat command centers around the world, the people inside were initially happy to see the thick cumulonimbus clouds over Australia dissipate because it meant they could observe Godzilla's real-time situation via satellite.

However, just as they were feeling relieved, the satellites detected a major anomaly in the Australian mountain forests.

Firstly, the area of the forest undergoing the anomaly expanded from the initial 100,000 square kilometers to nearly 200,000 square kilometers.

Furthermore, after the satellite altitude measurements, they found that the average height of this forest, which should now be called a giant forest, had increased by over ten meters before the rain clouds arrived.

Many unknown creatures appeared inside, including particularly large beings and astonishing phenomena.

For example, that other Godzilla.

"What's going on?"

Godzilla? Another Godzilla?

Although its size wasn't as huge as the first Godzilla's, it was indeed a Godzilla.

From the satellite images, although it couldn't be said to be identical, it was at least seventy to eighty percent similar.

Moreover, since they had never seen Godzilla's infancy, it was entirely reasonable for Godzilla to grow into this form during its youth.

Could it be convergent evolution?

This idea was quickly dismissed because the newly discovered Godzilla was solitary, and convergent evolution couldn't possibly be this convergent; others were at least based on the unit of species.

But it? There was only one, so it couldn't be said to be a new species converging with Godzilla.

So— this was the new Godzilla.

This news once again plunged the high-leve member of the World Government into turmoil and anxiety. Fortunately, this young Godzilla, like the big one, was trapped in Australia and couldn't come out.

They could only hope that they would be killed by the approaching Ghidorah's Wings, or else— if this young Godzilla could still give birth to more young Godzillas.

Humanity would truly have no way out.

However, whether it was the appearance of a young Godzilla or two, or three, the most pressing issue now was to face the disasters flying in from the sky, from another planet.

Only by surviving this could they qualify to continue battling Godzilla in the future.

The Ghidorah's Wings slowed down their speed this morning, decelerating to avoid colliding with Earth at high speed.

At the same time, distance-measuring satellites began measuring the detailed distance between the first wave of Ghidorah's Wings and Earth. Eventually, they arrived at a figure.

500,000 kilometers.

They were only 800,000 kilometers away from this planet.

The AI network of the space strike system was on high alert, the railguns raised their barrels to target space, and the satellites in lunar orbit transmitted the detailed shapes of the Ghidorah's Wings to the ground without missing a single one.

Meanwhile, in another uninhabited location, the monster representing the new ecosystem of Earth was accumulating radiance within its body.

[Time remaining until the arrival of the Ghidorah's Wings: 23 hours, 23 minutes, 12 seconds]

[Time remaining until the arrival of the Ghidorah's Wings in the Earth-Moon system: 16 hours, 32 minutes, 09 seconds]


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