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Chapter 4: The Ability Encapsulated in 'Acceptance'

There aren't many secrets in this world, even for those who try to keep them hidden.

They're just people who have become desperate with life.

Despairing of life has a very common expression, as can be illustrated through the story of Sisyphus. Most people have probably heard of his legend, but considering that everyone is unique, I intend to explain it here.

Sisyphus was a character in Greek mythology, the founder and king of Corinth. He even once kidnapped Death, causing death to disappear from the world. But his actions offended the gods, so he was tasked with pushing a huge rock to the top of a hill. However, each time, the stone would roll back down to the foot of the mountain due to its own gravity. No matter how many times Sisyphus repeated this task, he couldn't meet the gods' requirements.

In the end, even the resourceful Sisyphus was helpless, and he ultimately exhausted his life in the daily depression and turmoil.

Striving with all one's might, only to end in failure, to have one's previous efforts abandoned—this is the most terrifying thing. To toil in vain and disappointment, day after day, year after year, endlessly, busily, hurriedly, only to suddenly realize, upon looking back, that one has gained nothing, just like Sisyphus.

So, despairing of life leads to the path of death.

This approach, I believe, is quite correct. If I were to say something regrettable, it would be that I didn't think of it earlier. Well, at least that's how I see it for now.

As I just said, this is just an appearance, so what is the essence?

The word for it is 'acceptance'.

In a simple term, it's 'allowing everything to happen'.

This is similar to the concept of 'everything is vanity, everything is permitted'. Now, the reason people despair is because they haven't been accepted.

When Sisyphus pushed the rock to the mountaintop, the boulder wasn't accepted by nature, his actions weren't approved, so he failed.

[When we watch the sunset, we don't force the sunset to conform to our own desires.]

This sentence defines the word 'acceptance'.

When watching the sunset, we don't demand or command the scene of the sunset, and after seeing the sunset, we might think, 'Ah, so this is how the sunset is.' At this moment, the rationality of the sunset is forcibly 'accepted' by us, and thus, the sunset exists.

However, such a simple matter becomes exceptionally difficult when placed within human society. Not because of anything else, but because of—"other people are hell."

But the example I gave is different from what Sartre said about 'other people are hell.' What I'm talking about is the existence of a worldview. When you establish your own world, if you inadvertently enter someone else's world, there will be only three possible outcomes.

One is that your world and theirs become somewhat compatible, merging into a world where both can coexist; another is that your world completely overwhelms theirs, leading to their destruction; and the last is your own downfall.

Whether or not you can rise from the ashes after this doesn't matter anymore. You will inevitably become an outcast shared by one world or another, rejected by both.

Humans are born lonely but are forced to rely on the collective.

This is a rather contradictory point.

But in the end, no matter how much you think about this issue, there are no surprises (of course, if you are particularly fond of this world, please don't take what I say to heart), because from a philosophical perspective, the universe has no meaning; things just happen. Humans are just an objective existence in the world, no different from other things. And what we call 'meaning' is actually something we assign ourselves.

So, it's better to have a grand liberation and be relieved.

Well, that's about the extent of my thoughts.

I shook my head, letting go of those tedious thoughts and letting the blazing sun burn them away into space.

"Um, what's wrong?" Ichinose noticed my strange behavior and asked worriedly.

"I felt a bit stifled just now."

Ichinose nodded understandingly. "It's indeed stuffy on the bus."

I just wanted to think about how to integrate into a class group, but why did it lead to all these other things? Speaking of which, isn't establishing interpersonal relationships simple? Why do I have to think about these issues?

I followed Ichinose into the classroom. The classroom was quite spacious, with only a few scattered students. There were a total of forty desks, each with a nameplate. I looked around a bit and then sat at my designated seat.

The last row by the window, it's a nice spot. The slanting sunlight gave it a lazy atmosphere. This made me firm up my wavering beliefs between existentialism and energy conservation.

It's laziness, no, it's energy conservation.

As I solidified my belief and set down my crossbody bag, Ichinose barged into my view.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect we are going to be sitting this close to each other."

"Yeah, indeed."

It's an annoying coincidence, energy conservation will be greatly restricted.

I casually sat down in my seat. Due to the small number of students, most were sitting at their desks, looking at school materials or daydreaming. It seemed like I hadn't brought anything with me. What should I do during this time? According to my philosophy, I should probably sleep or daydream.

Just as I was contemplating my next move, Ichinose finished organizing her things and struck up a conversation with me.

"Luo, aren't you planning to get to know some other classmates?"

"There's no rush, there are so few people around."

"Yeah, that's true. Let's wait until there are more people before we say hello."

I’m able to narrowly avoid the crisis for now…

But do I really need to take the initiative? Although making friends under Ichinose's leadership might become easier, perhaps being silent and reserved is more suitable for me after all.

In a time of distress and contemplation, I decided to escape through sleep.

Although it's often said that 'escaping is shameful,' it's understandable why it can be passed down as a method.

So— I was unknowingly awakened by Ichinose.

All the students in the classroom were already present, and there was also a beautiful woman standing at the teacher's desk in light pink casual clothes.

"...Could you tell me what's going on right now?"

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was returning to their seats, I asked Ichinose.

"Sorry, because you were asleep, I didn't have the heart to wake you up, so I didn't introduce you to the other classmates."

I accidentally fell asleep, huh.

"I don't mind that." I shook my head.

"Anyway, she should be a teacher, let's go back to our seats and listen to the announcements."

Just as Ichinose finished speaking, the teacher on the platform continued.

"Hello~ everyone, I am the class advisor for Class B, also known as the homeroom teacher. My name is Hoshinomiya Chie. I usually teach mathematics. Since this school doesn't change classes every year, I will be studying together with you all for the next three years until graduation. Please take care of me."

Hoshinomiya-sensei showed a lively smile, with a faint smell of alcohol mixed in.

"The entrance ceremony will be held in the gymnasium in an hour. Before that, I will distribute some information about the special rules of this school to you. Although this was already given to you during the previous introduction."

Introduction... Did I miss a segment? Damn, he didn't even mention this.

I silently watched as the information was passed down from student to student. Then, I also received a 'magazine' with the cover showing the concept map of the entire school.

Kōdo Ikusei High School

99.9% of graduates can get the job they want, equipped with the latest facilities.

From an overall perspective, it's more appropriate to call it a man-made island city rather than a school. In addition to the school, this institution also includes facilities such as karaoke, cinemas, cafes, clothing stores, and so on, which could be called a small commercial district. The land area is at least six hundred thousand square meters according to the introduction.

Moreover, this school has a special feature, which is the introduction of the S System.

Currently, the exact function of the S System is not known, with just a simple explanation as a 'competition mechanism evaluation system'. This is quite intriguing.

"Now, what I'm distributing is the student ID for each of you, also known as your mobile phone. I don't need to explain the function of the student ID, right? Socializing, shopping, entertainment consumption, and so on, can all be done through the student ID."

"Each person only gets one, and if it's lost, additional points will be deducted for reissuing."

"Has everyone received theirs?" Hoshinomiya-sensei glanced around the entire class, confirming that everyone had their IDs before continuing.

"In this school, the daily expenses of your life are covered by the school, but it doesn't mean you can take things from the school casually. This means that the school will deposit money into your account every month."

"Now, please check your account. Each of you should have been fairly distributed a hundred thousand points. If the amount doesn't match, please inform the teacher promptly."

"Wha— That much?!" A male student couldn't contain his inner turmoil and stood up in disbelief, asking.

Not just him, even I was surprised by this data.

"You didn't hear wrong, young man. Each of you has been allocated a hundred thousand points in your accounts. Just to clarify, one point here is equivalent to one yen."

"We have— we have— a hundred thousand yen in our accounts!"

"The school will deposit points into your accounts on the first of every month. These points have no usage restrictions, so you can spend them freely."

"A monthly income of a hundred thousand points with no spending restrictions..."

Upon hearing Hoshinomiya-sensei's introduction, the whole class erupted with excitement, and even individuals who had no prior interaction started conversing.

I glanced around the classroom. Forty people in one class, a hundred and sixty in one grade, and a total of four hundred and eighty across three grades. If each month's allocation is a hundred thousand points, that's five hundred and seventy-six million points per year, not to mention the financial flow in the commercial district...

Well, it truly lives up to being a school backed by the government.

"That's a huge number," Ichinose responded to my inner monologue as if she could read my thoughts.

"Do you think this is really possible, Luo? Having a hundred thousand income each month out of nowhere," she asked.

"...I'm not really sure."

"Yeah, Hoshinomiya-sensei didn't mention any cost either."

Indeed, even with national backing, this seems too exaggerated. There must be some hidden agenda behind it.

"Alright, settle down everyone~"

"I know you're all very surprised, but this is the strength of our school. And we also measure students based on their abilities. So, these hundred thousand points represent your worth."

Measuring students based on their abilities... worth...

"In addition, these points will be recovered after graduation and cannot be converted into social funds for use. So, please don't be stingy with your points. Don't worry about any costs because there aren't any."

With no spending restrictions, it means the school can't reclaim the points forcibly from students' accounts upon graduation.

So, does having such a large number of points really come with no cost? Or are there conditions?

While I pondered the existence of danger, the students became even more excited.

"Alright, everyone, calm down! Now, please check if the number of points in your accounts is correct." Hoshinomiya-sensei made great efforts to suppress the students' enthusiasm, and we eagerly entered the login interface.

Following the instructions, I opened my student account:

Student Name: Luo Mu

Academic Ability: C- Intelligence: C

Decision Making: C+ Physical Ability: B-

Cooperativeness: C

Birthday: 11/28

Points: 100000


Ah, this is such mediocre data, isn't it? There's not even a single special talent. It's just pitiful!

I blinked hard, trying to open my data panel in a different way, but I failed, both mentally and physically.

After confirming the number of points, I began to record the surrounding data in the hope of finding some comforting information.


Student Name: Ichinose Honami

Academic Ability: B+ Intelligence: A

Decision Making: B Physical Ability: C

Cooperativeness: A-

Birthday: 7/20

Points: 100000


Damn it, as a male student, can I only barely surpass Ichinose in physical ability? I'm really losing face as a man.

With a slightly irritated mood, I rested my head on the desk.

"Has everyone confirmed their points? Any questions?"


"We really have a hundred thousand points!!!"

"This is awesome!"

With a professional smile, Hoshinomiya-sensei nodded in satisfaction at us. "Since everyone is fine, let's move on to the next part."

"Oh, I should remind you all of something. Just remember, as long as what you want to buy is within the school's specified range, you can buy anything."

"Haha, isn't that obvious?"

"I guess Sensei wants to bond with us, so she's just joking around." The students didn't react much to Hoshinomiya-sensei's words, brushing it off as a joke.

I silently stored this piece of information in my mind.Although I wasn't sure what the true

meaning behind it was, since it was a deliberate reminder, there must be some significance to it.

Hoshinomiya-sensei tidied up the remaining documents in her hands, hugged them to her chest, and showed signs of leaving.

"We still have some time before the entrance ceremony. During this time, in principle, you are free to do as you please. But if possible, I hope you can get to know your classmates. Because for the next three years, you'll be spending a lot of time together."

"I have some meetings to attend to next, so I won't disturb you all. I'll come back tomorrow to get to know everyone better." With that, after leaving us with a sweet smile, Hoshinomiya-sensei disappeared.

At that moment, the classroom fell into silence, and it seemed like nobody dared to speak up.

"Everyone, can I have your attention for a moment?"

Ichinose suddenly stood up in front of me, emitting an aura of a host.

Even the students who were flustered by the vast amount of money calmed down under her control.

Is this what they call class leadership?


"We'll be living together in the same class from now on. So, let's follow what the teacher said earlier and introduce ourselves spontaneously, okay? If we can become friends, our lives ahead will surely be smoother."

Ah, this lively speech is annoying.

The students nodded in agreement with Ichinose's point of view. There was a synchronized feeling of harmony, as if they were all on the same page.

"Then let me start with a self-introduction. My name is Ichinose Honami. I hope we can all get along well and work hard together. And if you have any difficulties, feel free to seek my help. Although my abilities are limited, I will do my best to assist you."

As Ichinose spoke, a gentle atmosphere enveloped the entire class, spreading a comforting feeling. But perhaps because this atmosphere was too comfortable, after surveying the class for a week, no one responded.

Then her gaze fell on me.


Even if you don't use that "please, I'm begging you" look on me, I'll still be the second to speak.

Ah, women are indeed dangerous creatures.

I slowly stood up from my seat. I have to give it my all, don't I? Let's push my energy-saving principles to the extreme.

"My name is Luo Mu, and I believe in energy conservation. My interests include tea ceremony and calligraphy, although I haven't made much progress in these areas. Please treat me kindly."

After saying that, Ichinose nodded at me with a smile, and then I sat back down.

"Well done. Who's next?"

"I'll go." The student with purple hair next to me stood up. "My name is Kanzaki Ryuji. There's not much to talk about that can be used as conversation material, but I consider myself to have strong athletic and academic abilities. As for interests, they're a bit dull, so I won't mention them. Please treat me kindly."

"Next, it's my turn. My name is Shibata Sō, and I was particularly fond of soccer in junior high. I even won first place in the school competition. I'm definitely going to play soccer at this school too, so please treat me kindly."

And so, under Ichinose's guidance, the class smoothly completed their self-introductions, and for some reason, quickly began to feel at ease with each other.

At that moment, I realized that someone like Ichinose might not necessarily have only one option: failure. Because from what I see now, she's also an incredibly powerful individual.

"If it's okay with everyone, let's exchange contact information. I'd like to create a class group chat so we can get to know each other better."

Sunlight poured generously onto Ichinose, a brightness I squinted my eyes at and didn't want to gaze directly into.


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