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Chapter 7: A Clear Blind Spot

At least in my values, as long as the school bell hasn't rung, it's the students' own time, and how to allocate it should be decided by their own consciousness.

So, I never comply with the compulsory early arrival and morning reading orders from teachers.

Hmm, I admire this reason for staying in bed. Without a doubt, I'm the mainstay standing at the dormitory elevator door when it's close to class time.

I watched as the numbers on the electronic display screen started from 1 and slowly went up to 4.

"...There are students who are as late as me?"

Even though I waited in the dormitory for more than forty minutes, it seems there are others who share my thoughts. Fortunately, it's only one floor above mine, and it's a male student.

I walked into the open elevator door while discreetly observing the boy next to me. With a brown middle-parted hairstyle and golden pupils tinged with a hint of purple, his overall appearance exuded a strong sense of indifference.

Encountering each other in the dormitory elevator at such a critical time, this must be what people call fate. Now, what should I do next? Should I greet him and get to know him? But would that seem strange to him? Well, Kushida greeted me quite naturally, and I didn't have any extra thoughts...

Since I decided to greet him, what form should I use? Should I be enthusiastic or cold? I remember Kushida greeted me with a cheerful 'Hello', so can't I also greet him with a cute expression?

However, my wild thoughts could not withstand the limited time of the third floor's operation. He also walked past me with a pace that indicated he didn't want to engage with me, so I followed suit and increased the distance between us according to his wishes.

In the end, I didn't do anything. I sighed in disappointment as I watched his retreating figure.

On the second day of school, as it was the first day of class, most of the classes only explained the learning policies and other matters.

The teachers were all very friendly and cheerful, especially our homeroom teacher. If it weren't for her mature appearance, I would have thought she was a high school student in the same grade as us. When faced with students who are distracted in class or who are playing with their mobile phones in private, they will not remind them even if they notice them.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that whether or not to listen to the class is the personal freedom of each student, but is this really the system of all preparatory high schools?

Under an extremely relaxed and humorous atmosphere, I entered the lunch break. Students left their seats and went with those they had just met yesterday. I had intended to chat with Ichinose for a bit, but she was quickly taken away by someone else. I could only watch with envy from behind.

"Are you very familiar with Ichinose?" As I was about to head to the cafeteria according to my original plan, Kanzaki, the student next to me, struck up a conversation.

"Not really... Is there a problem?"

"No, I just wanted to get an answer, after all, the relationship between you two yesterday seemed very close."

"Oh, that must be a misunderstanding. I only met Ichinose on the bus, and as for being close, I think she's like that with everyone."

"Indeed, that seems to be the case."

"I'm going to the cafeteria next, want to go together?" I invited him along with the topic. I thought we could just join a group, but it was clear that I was being too simplistic.

"I'm sorry, I have some personal matters to attend to next, but I should be free in the evening."

I embarked on my solitary journey, buying the most expensive set meal in the cafeteria while also looking for suitable prey. Calling them prey might sound a bit sinister; perhaps 'seniors' would be a better term, although the tray I held was indeed bait for my hunt.

"Senpai, may I disturb you for a moment?" I asked a senior who was eating the 'Mountain Vegetable Set Meal'.

"What's the matter?" The man immediately looked up, eyeing me warily.

What, just like what I had predicted, this ‘senior’ acts just like a fish about to take the bait.

"I'm a new student this year, so I have some things I'd like to consult with you, senpai. If you don't mind, please accept this 'Deluxe Set Meal' first." I handed the tray over, indicating that I hadn't done anything strange to the meal. "Eating the 'Mountain Vegetable Set Meal' every day can't be very enjoyable, can it?"

Even though I said that, he still maintained a threatening posture towards me.

"Of course, I won't just rely on a meal to gather information. I'll pay extra points as well." I added the condition, and the senior unsurprisingly showed a hesitant expression.

I silently waited for his decision. After a while of silence, he sighed.

"You must be from Class A."

"Why would you conclude that, senpai?"

It worked; I slowly sat down across from him.

"Because probably only Class A students would notice this so early."

"Are you saying that the division into Classes A, B, C, and D is based on ability?"

"...Thirty thousand points." After thinking for a while, he gave me this answer, but I immediately vetoed it.

"Maximum ten thousand points. You should know that we'll all find out about this sooner or later, maybe within a month, right?"

"...You really are a student from Class A." The senior chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Alright, I'll answer based on a value of ten thousand. But you have to pay half of the points as a deposit first."

"Sure, but I also don't want to buy false information."

"Of course, I'm not going to make such a mistake over such a small matter."

According to his request, I transferred five thousand points as a deposit to his account to ensure his peace of mind.

"Then I'll ask a digression first. Senpai, are you a student from Class D in the third year?"

"...Yes." He nodded, "How did you know about this?"

"It's just a simple deduction, even the color tone of your clothes should give it away. But that's not the point, the point is—"

"Can you please guide me to meet the leader of your class? I think there should be such a figure."

"What do you mean?" He frowned in confusion, "I can solve your doubts without specifically seeking out the leader. If it's a matter of trust, I can also sign a paper contract with you."

Really, beggars can't be choosers.

“No, senpai, you misunderstood me. I'm still seeking answers to my questions from you. I just want to talk to your leader about some other matters, so this is just a request."

"I can introduce you, but..."

"I also have my own difficulties. I want to make a thrilling deal with you seniors."

"A thrilling... deal?"

"Yes, so can you please let your leader know now?"


"If possible." I nodded.

"I'll ask."

After waiting for a while, he looked away from his phone screen.

"He agreed. He's free during the rest of the lunch break. When do you want to meet?"

"After you finish eating, please take me there."

"Okay— Do you have any other questions?"

"I've asked all the questions I could think of for now. Next, I'll need to ask based on the specific information you provide."

"You said you've finished asking?" The senior furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Yes, that's right."

"But you didn't ask any questions, did you?"

"Those questions were all known during our conversation, weren't they?"

When I said this, he paused for a moment, then showed a surprised expression.

I had been considering where the school could possibly enforce mandatory expenses on our points, but I hadn't thought they could limit us at the source.

This blind spot was found from my conversation with Ichinose yesterday. In the words of Hoshinomiya-sensei, she never mentioned giving us one hundred thousand points every month, only that points would be deposited every month.

A new month had begun, which meant a new round of points had been distributed. Yet, despite this, the senior students were still eating the free meals provided by the school. What did this mean?

If we had to say it was for saving, that would be too terrifying. Eating free meals day after day, sacrificing health for points. Nevertheless, even so, it reflected the importance of points.

To uncover the true face of this school, I followed this senior, deeply entrenched in the quagmire of the class, to meet their leader — Yuzo Yoshii.


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